Stay Young One Step At A Time | Master’s Track & Field

The Forever Fit Science marketing team attended the Pueblo Masters Track & Field event and met some incredible Masters athletes. This video is a highlight of their stories, tips, and races from sprinting to pole vaulting. Takeaway: It does not need to be your children’s events. You can compete at every age and be successful.

Music and Workouts

Is Quality Sleep a Predictor for Sports Injury?

Hadley Seward – certified sleep consultant and certified health coach Getting enough sleep should be a priority for everyone–for physically active people, it’s especially important. Lack of sleep can slow reaction time and make you less alert–but does it also mean you’re more prone to injury? There have been several studies examining the link between

Strength As A Safety Net

Jon Carlock As time passes and we age, we naturally become more vulnerable to injury. Somewhat of a numbers game, the longer we spend on this planet, the odds increase that we will get hurt at some point. When we get older, we also become more prone to balance-related injuries that can result in significant

HIIT- Does Non-Weight Bearing Rowing Do The trick?

Sarah West – PhD, Assistant Professor, Trent University Recently, I contributed a series to the FTG research blog about the importance of maintaining bone health with aging.  Bone loss can lead to Osteoporosis (i.e., thinning of the bones, and an increased risk of having a fracture), which is a very common disease that is associated

Tempo Workout From World 400m Masters Champion

Meet Antwon Dussett, a 41 year old master sprinter who just last week won gold in at the world indoor master’s track championship.  Dussett takes us through one of his tempo workouts to build up lactate threshold. Warm up Run 200 meters at 75% of race pace Rest 3 minutes Repeat 6 times Cool down

5 Bio-Motor Abilities

Forever Fit Science’s founder Virginia Davies explains the 5 bio-motor abilities crucial to a well-rounded training plan which includes speed, endurance, strength, flexibility, and balance. You Might Like:

The Story of FastTwitchGrandma

Forever Fit Science’s innovator and co-founder, Virginia Davies, explains her motivations on staying fit while playing everyday of her life and being the best she can be for herself and her loved ones.  After having major surgery, Davies became quite concerned with her health.  She joined a gym and realized most of the trainers were not

What Is Your Why?

Forever Fit Science Master Athletes tell their why for competing and staying active.  From not being a hamster to winning gold medals, these athletes’ stories are inspiring.  Watching this video will get you thinking, what is your why? You Might Like:

Mental Game Tip

The Game Forever Fit Science Master Racquetball Athlete and veteran of the U.S. Air Force Ed Roffey gives some great game tips that help him mentally during his racquetball games. Listen up because Ed is the 2015 World Masters Champion and 2015 Huntsman World Senior Games Gold Medalist!   You Might Like:

Food for Fuel: Healthy Granola Bar Recipe

Forever Fit Science Master Swim Athletes and U.S. Air Force Lieutenants, The Holman Sisters, share an excellent and healthy recipe to keep you feeling good and fueled up! You Might Like:

Meet Air Force Star Swimmers The Holman Twins

The 30-year old Holman twins of Colorado Springs are NCAA Swimmers of South Dakota and hold 800m freestyle and 3000m open water medals from the 2015 FINA World Masters Championships, as well as a 2014 Air Force Athlete of the Year award. Mary and Sara Holman are currently lieutenants in the U.S. Air Force. Their military

Swim Warmup Drills with the Holman Twins

Fast Twitch Grandma Master Athletes and professional swimmers Mary and Sara Holman take you through 3 variations of sculling drills to demonstrate a great swim warmup before your workout. The twins hold 800m freestyle and 3000m open water medals from the 2015 FINA World Masters Championships and a 2014 Air Force Athlete of the Year