couple performing box jumps

Maximize Performance With Plyometrics & HIIT

Alyssa Bialowas Plyometric exercise is described as explosive movements in which your muscles exert maximum force in the shortest period of time. Think: Squat jumps, box jumps and kickboxing kicks. These high intensity exercises burn fat and train your fast-twitch muscle fibers, beneficial for speed and power. Plyometric exercise is widely used by athletes in

women exercising

Women & High Intensity Interval Training – Ebook

Research poll after research poll, male and female adults express that one of the biggest barriers they face to frequent exercise is lack of time. One common assumption is that exercise and physical activity at moderate-intensity for a long period is the superior way to burn fat and improve your overall body composition, which is

man running

HIIT: Increase Intensity To Lengthen Healthspan – Ebook

Evan Stevens Forever Fit Science emphasizes the importance of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) incorporated into workouts. In this ebook, Evan Stevens, an accomplished sprinter covers many topics related to HIIT training. The first article explains the importance of resistance training in aging adults to increase bone density as well as muscle strength while decreasing fat deposition.

woman doing yoga in the city

Maximize Results By Combining Yoga & HIIT

Alyssa Bialowas The effects of yogic exercise and its ability to increase an individual’s aerobic capacity are seldom studied.  Yoga is widely understood to confer benefits to a person’s physical, emotional, and spiritual well being, and studies that compare the effects of yoga and exercise seem to indicate that yoga is more effective than exercise

Can Interval Training Help Mitigate Obesity?

Evan Stevens This session really just was in addition to all of the information we’ve already seen at the conference so far. Interval training is very important to health and can increase the palatability of exercise. The first study conducted a perceived exertion and ranked enjoyment test on continuous versus interval exercise when matched for

kids exercising in classroom

FUNtervals – Exercise Intervals For Children

Catherine O’Brien High Intensity Intervals: The key to a focused classroom? This month I have been focusing on the effects of physical exercise on academic performance in school-age children. Research has demonstrated that levels of fitness are positively correlated with academic performance and research done by Fedewa et al. showed the positive effects of integrated

group jumping rope

Active vs Passive Rest For HIIT Recovery

Dayton Kelly The following was adapted from a combination of speeches given at the European Sports Science Conference 2017, most notably Wiewelhove, T. et al. . Researchers have been in conflict about how best to recover between and after sets of High Intensity Training (HIIT). As you know, HIIT involves a series of ultra high

woman running on track

A New Form Of Aerobic Training: Micropause

Dayton Kelly This article was adapted from a combination of speeches given at the European Sports Science Conference 2017, most notably Walsh, A. et al. . Micropause Running Not high intensity training, not continuous long distance training, but somewhere in between. A new form of aerobic training – Micropause training — shows potential to take

fit 55

Crossfit For All Ages

Katie Rose Hejtmanek, PhD Stay Strong, Mobile, and Able! “It is a great feeling when you can apply what you do in the class to life. The other day I had to take a big package to the Upper East Side. Normally, I would have taken an Uber. But I thought, ‘We do carries , why

man and woman passing an exercise ball while doing sit ups at a gym

90 Seconds A Day of HIIT Might Be All You Need

Evan Stevens We know that HIIT can be used to improve parameters of health in diseased individuals, but can it work in healthy individuals/a whole population, and if so, how might it work? The first talk of the session examined just that by having individuals perform single leg cycling tests; one leg would perform short,

HIIT- Does Non-Weight Bearing Rowing Do The trick?

Sarah West – PhD, Assistant Professor, Trent University Recently, I contributed a series to the FTG research blog about the importance of maintaining bone health with aging.  Bone loss can lead to Osteoporosis (i.e., thinning of the bones, and an increased risk of having a fracture), which is a very common disease that is associated

Skip Your Way To A Better Day

Forever Fit Science’s co-founder Virginia Davies shares her secrets to a good morning routine to get a healthy start to your day.  In this video Virginia takes you through a few of her favorite exercises she uses to warm-up her body for the day.   You Might Like: