Female athlete

What is a High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Workout Anyway?

Evan Stevens High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a huge ‘hit’ with exercise researchers and the general population alike. It is less time consuming and can imbue the same if not more benefits as traditional exercises like your long run, your laps in the pool, or your bike ride with your friends on the weekends. Indeed,

Heavy ropes exercise

5 High-Intensity Interval Training Mistakes Athletes Make

Alyssa Bialowas High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is one of the hottest fitness trends right now, and because of this, many people have put their own spin on it to try and make it their own. When this happens, you don’t always reap the amazing benefits of HIIT and may end up doing more harm than

people running through tires

7 Spring Fitness Tips For Outdoor Interval Training

Alyssa Bialowas Spring is an exciting time to re-motivate and align your health and fitness goals as you can finally get outside and put a halt to your indoor gym routine that was starting to lead you down a path of demotivation. Here are some tips for spring training and avoiding injury as the weather

female athlete pull-ups

4 Ways HIIT Exercise Improves Kidney Health

By Alyssa Bialowas High intensity interval training (HIIT) is a type of exercise that has been found to improve health levels in people with metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, and has recently been found to help those with kidney disease, too. Chronic kidney disease is characterised by failing kidney functions and reduced life expectancy. Complications arise from

people working out

HIIT Responses In Endurance & Sprint Athletes

A Review by Alyssa Bialowas HIIT (high intensity interval training) is a widely popular training method used in both endurance and sprint training. For endurance athletes, HIIT is beneficial in a number of ways, from increasing cardiovascular fitness to promoting healthy blood glucose levels and increasing endurance overall. For sprint athletes, the intense bursts of

HIIT Treadmill Workouts | FastTwitchGrandma Sprinting Tips & Tricks

Virginia Davies, founder of Forever Fit Science, and John Trautmann, coach for the Mile High Run Club of NYC, talk about the important benefits of HIIT (high intensity interval training) with examples of how HIIT can be performed on the treadmill. Whether you are a beginner or an olympic sprinter there are many takeaways from

jump rope

A Win-Win Combination – Intervals Vs Endurance (Part 6)

Evan Stevens We’ve seen that HIIT (shorter, highly strenuous bursts of activity separated by periods of low intensity or rest) and CEE (a continuous bout of exercise without a break interval and can be performed at low, moderate, or high intensities) do basically the same thing, relatively speaking. They both tax our aerobic system, they improve our

mini trampoline exercises

Why HIIT Excels – Intervals Vs Endurance (Part 3)

Evan Stevens HIIT (shorter, highly strenuous bursts of activity separated by periods of low intensity or rest) has an advantage in several areas over traditional endurance exercise. The most touted is probably the time efficiency: imagine being able to perform your entire aerobic exercise routine in as little as 20 to 30 minutes, inclusive of warm

sprinters leaving the block

Why Is HIIT Different? – Intervals Vs Endurance (Part 2)

Evan Stevens Why Is HIIT different? Let’s set aside CEE (continuous bout of exercise without a break interval and can be performed at low, moderate, or high intensities) for a minute and just think about HIIT (highly strenuous bursts of activity separated by periods of low intensity or rest). We just discussed the fact that HIIT

alpine skiing

Is Skiing An Effective Alternative To Indoor Cycling?

Alyssa Bialowas As the days start getting shorter and colder, physical inactivity becomes the new norm for a lot people. Ask yourself this: How many times have you walked straight home after work, bypassing the gym in favour of your warm, comfortable house? Compared to the summer months, physical activity and total daily expenditure have

How HIIT Changes Our Body

Evan Stevens Researchers looked at how HIIT (high intensity interval training) changed glucose metabolism in diabetic mice. We have known for a long time that exercise can be used to improve, treat, and prevent all manner of metabolic disease outside of actually curing the disease and the changes are independent of dietary factors. However, there