Man running on a path

The Autoimmune Athlete

Hunter Bennett Being an elite athlete poses a unique set of challenges that very few people are emotionally, physically, and mentally prepared for. Gruelling training sessions, an incredibly strict diet, and a lifestyle that is dictated entirely by the competitive season. It is a life that many people desire, yet many would also agree is

man and woman doing a pull-up

Perfecting Your CrossFit Pull-Up

Hunter Bennett Over the last few years, CrossFit has truly revolutionized the health and fitness landscape. It has changed the way many people look at exercise, while also introducing the many benefits associated with heavy barbell-based strength training to the masses. With this has come the development and alteration of a number of different exercises

Two men on a track

Start Positions for Sprinters

Hunter Bennett Sprinting is one of the most incredible acts of human performance on the planet. While at first glance it may seem like quite a simple task (just run as fast as you can, right?), upon further analysis it quickly becomes apparent that it is so much more than that. It requires every single

woman lifting weights

Homocysteine Levels: How They Affect Your Health

Hunter Bennett Over the last few decades, researchers have taken a very deep dive into the various chemicals that appear within the human body. This has been done with the intent to determine how we can better manage our health. As I am sure you can imagine, the accumulative results of this research have changed

woman checking her pulse

Atrial Fibrillation, Exercise & Health

Hunter Bennett One of the biggest issues we modern society has to deal with is a decline in cardiovascular health and function. To be honest, it is seriously at near epidemic proportions. Within this, the biggest culprit is unquestionably general cardiovascular disease. However, there are several lesser-known cardiovascular issues that are becoming increasingly common –

woman holding a pillow over her head

Menopause and Sleep

Hunter Bennett Menopause is commonly considered to be one of the most trying times in a woman’s life. A time of vast change, it comes with a number of unique effects that can make even the most menial of tasks seem like a real challenge. Interestingly, there is even some evidence to suggest that it

Older couple standing on a hill looking over a shore and water

Exercise to Prevent Osteoporosis

Hunter Bennett In modern society, we are now being afflicted by a number of unique diseases that were once unheard of by our predecessors. While this increasing incidence could be put down to a number of factors, arguably the most important is the sharp decline in activity levels we have seen over the last 100

plyometric training exercises

Plyometric Training Exercises & Agility

Hunter Bennett When it comes down to improving athletic performance, we often think about enhancing our training to maximize speed, power, and strength – which makes sense, as each of these plays a key role in improving our physical capacity. But one key quality that often gets forgotten is agility. What is agility? Agility is

Group of people doing CrossFit

What Does CrossFit Do to Your Body?

Hunter Bennett As far as the world of exercise science goes, there tends to be a lot of research on most common training modalities – which is obviously a good thing. You see, it is this research that allows identifying what style of training we should use to elicit a specific type of training adaptation.

Women wearing yellow stretching in a field

How Does the Menstrual Cycle Impact Physical Performance?

Hunter Bennett There is a myriad of factors that affect physical performance capabilities. Things such as training status, emotional state, and of course both current fatigue and recovery status, are some of those that are most heavily discussed and researched. However, over the last few years, evidence has shown that the normal fluctuations in hormone

Man stretch on a bridge

Exercise and the Afterburn Effect

Hunter Bennett When most of us think about exercise, we tend to think about the energy expenditure that particular exercise causes in a somewhat immediate sense.  As in: ‘How many calories will I burn if I perform X exercise for an hour?’ Now don’t get me wrong – there isn’t anything inherently wrong with this

two women

Generation 100: The 3 Year Follow Up

Hunter Bennett For those of you who have been with us here at Forever Fit Science for a while, you might be aware of one of the first articles we ever wrote about ‘The Generation 100 Study’. This study was built around the need to determine the effects of a 5-year exercise program on mortality