butterfly swim

Can Caffeine Improve Sprint Time In Elite Swimmers?

A Review by Alyssa Bialowas Caffeine is an ergogenic aid, meaning it’s a substance that may improve performance and stamina. Elite athletes often use ergogenic aids to enhance their energy and execution. Sprint swimmers have to perform repeated high-intensity races that require high amounts of energy, and moderate doses of caffeine have the potential to

swimming laps

The Effects Of Altitude Training On Competitive Swimmers

A Review by Alyssa Bialowas Hypoxic training, also known as altitude training (training at heights above sea level), has been used for athletes in endurance sports to improve performance at sea level. Sport performance is improved when oxygen is transported around the body to working muscles. The more oxygen you can circulate, the harder your

Couple hiking in the fall

6 Ideas To Stay Active This Fall

Hank Shell Turkey Day has passed, and if you’re anything like me, you’ll spend the holidays in a cycle of binge eating and collapsing into a food coma, exercise be damned. Here in beautiful Telluride, Colo., this time of year is what’s known as the “off-season.” It’s halfway between summer and winter, and thus bears

butterfly stroke swimming

Competitive-anxiety & Its Effect On Heart Rate In Swimmers

By Alyssa Bialowas Competition has always been a natural driver in sport. Many athletes face a significant amount of pressure to win and perform their best, with consequences if they drop the ball. Swimming is an all-year round competitive sport that takes a lot of training and discipline. Indoor pools allow athletes to train and

athlete swimming laps

4 Alternative Activities That Mimic HIIT

Alyssa Bialowas Experts say that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) should not exceed 3-4 times per week to allow time for your muscles to recover and to prevent serious injury. Depending on the week, I am lucky if I can fit in two HIIT sessions, let alone exceed four sessions. I tend to get bored and

Swim Workout From Masters Swimmers, The Holman Twins

Masters swimming twins, Mary and Sara Holman, 31, show one of their favorite swim workouts, the “Melvin.” These Forever Fit Science twins were 2nd and 3rd in the 800m freestyle 3000m open swim at the 2015 FINA World Masters Championships. Watch this video to learn more about their workout. The “Melvin” – 500m swim workout

Get Active With Rheumatoid Arthritis

Gillian White – MSc, PhD (C), University of Toronto, Department of Exercise Sciences Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease causing pain, swelling, and dysfunction of the joints in roughly 1% of adult Americans (Scott, Wolfe, & Huizinga 2010). Because of its autoimmune nature, symptoms can be improved with lifestyle behaviours that reduce inflammation. Although

Training Program For Autism

Catherine O’Brien Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder associated with impaired social ability, difficulty interacting with others and tendency to engage in repetitive or unusual behaviors. People with ASD may experience sensitivity to certain stimuli like texture, light, and noise. As is indicated by the name, autism spectrum disorder can vary in severity

#Dadblog: Rest And Active Recovery

Mike Caterini Key West Florida was the setting for my final Triathlon of the year on December 3, 2016. This Olympic distance triathlon (1.5 km swim, 40 km bike, 10 km run) was completed in the relatively modest time of 3 hr 43 min, which placed me 14 out of 18 participants in the 55

What Is Your Why?

Forever Fit Science Master Athletes tell their why for competing and staying active.  From not being a hamster to winning gold medals, these athletes’ stories are inspiring.  Watching this video will get you thinking, what is your why? You Might Like:

Food for Fuel: Healthy Granola Bar Recipe

Forever Fit Science Master Swim Athletes and U.S. Air Force Lieutenants, The Holman Sisters, share an excellent and healthy recipe to keep you feeling good and fueled up! You Might Like:

Change it up!

Thoughts From Grayson: Change it up!

Grayson Fertig Dear Forever Fit Sciences, Thanks for your interest in Forever Fit Science.  Our hope is that each time you visit the site that you leave with a pearl or two that you can apply in your life.  Our goal is to keep you in the game as well as keep you interested in