Group of women sprinting

Does Sprint Performance Decline With Age?

Exercising regularly across your lifespan is the perfect way to maintain health and function well into your golden years – and one of the best modes of exercise on the planet is unquestionably sprinting. Sprinting provides a unique combination of strength, power, balance, and coordination into one single exercise, making it incredibly effective. But did

Two men on a track

Start Positions for Sprinters

Hunter Bennett Sprinting is one of the most incredible acts of human performance on the planet. While at first glance it may seem like quite a simple task (just run as fast as you can, right?), upon further analysis it quickly becomes apparent that it is so much more than that. It requires every single

men racing

Top 5 Drills to Improve Your Acceleration

Hunter Bennett If you took a close look at any track-based sprint event, you can begin to break it down into four key phases – the start phase, the acceleration phase, the maximal velocity phase, and a phase of deceleration. Now, while each of these phases holds specific importance within the realm of successful track

Upper Body Exercises For Sprinters | FastTwitchGrandma Sprinting Tips & Tricks

Enhance the intensity of your workout with HyperWear Gear and save space with their SandBell Weights. Upper Body Strength is just as important as lower body strength when it comes to the biomechanics of running. There is a saying that goes “your legs will follow your arms”. Therefore, in order to finish strong we must

Improve Your Sprinting Technique & Form

John Trautmann is a 1992 US Olympian and 1- mile run World Record holder for men aged 45-49. Learn the key principles of sprinting form and technique as John demonstrates the mechanics involved: Sprinting Posture Relax your face, neck, and shoulders Run tall Keep your head up Arm Action Keep elbows bent at 90 degrees Drive