mature woman working out with trainer

The Brain Effect – Intervals Vs Endurance (Part 5)

Evan Stevens At Forever Fit Science we’ve received a lot of feedback regarding exercise and brain health. Is there a difference between HIIT (shorter, highly strenuous bursts of activity separated by periods of low intensity or rest) and CEE (continuous bout of exercise without a break interval and can be performed at low, moderate, or high


The Case for CEE – Intervals Vs Endurance (Part 4)

Evan Stevens CEE has been getting a bad rap lately thanks to HIIT. Passé and the old way of doing things, it isn’t as well liked as the new, hip, HIIT protocols. However, CEE does have some things to offer on its own. For starters, it is much easier and more accessible to more people.


Holidays Are Not The Only Contributor | 3 Ways To Avoid Annual Weight Gain

Katie Rose Hejtmanek, PhD Anthropologist CrossFit Level 1 Trainer It is that time of year again, the time when the average American claims to gain 5 pounds thanks to the holiday festivities. Recently, research scientists have begun to investigate this claim: Do Americans really gain that much weight over the holidays and what happens to

mini trampoline exercises

Why HIIT Excels – Intervals Vs Endurance (Part 3)

Evan Stevens HIIT (shorter, highly strenuous bursts of activity separated by periods of low intensity or rest) has an advantage in several areas over traditional endurance exercise. The most touted is probably the time efficiency: imagine being able to perform your entire aerobic exercise routine in as little as 20 to 30 minutes, inclusive of warm

sprinters leaving the block

Why Is HIIT Different? – Intervals Vs Endurance (Part 2)

Evan Stevens Why Is HIIT different? Let’s set aside CEE (continuous bout of exercise without a break interval and can be performed at low, moderate, or high intensities) for a minute and just think about HIIT (highly strenuous bursts of activity separated by periods of low intensity or rest). We just discussed the fact that HIIT


Clash of The Titans – Intervals vs Endurance (Part 1)

Evan Stevens At Fast Twitch Grandma we’ve done a lot of research into High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Our founder, the Fast Twitch Grandma herself Virginia Davies, initially started our expanding website with the exploration of how exercise could be used to improve aging outcomes. With a keen focus on HIIT, she wanted to know


Choosing The Right Coach

John Barry, Sports Performance Specialist The holiday season is in full swing. No matter what you celebrate, the final 40 days of the calendar year are very hectic. A long list of chores and expectations begins to form. On that list for most of us is to either start an exercise regiment, or improve upon


Does A Carb Restricted Diet Change HIIT Boost Health Benefits?

Moji Kaviani, Ph.D., CEP Would carbohydrate restriction diet augment HIIT-induced health benefits? High intensity interval training has received so much attention because of the benefits of health and exercise performance. HIIT is a series of high-intensity exercise bouts interspersed with low-intensity exercise for recovery. In addition, there are several dietary modification approaches such as carb

cross country skier

HIIT Exercises To Prep Your Body For Winter Sports

Alyssa Bialowas As an avid snowboarder and former competitive hockey player, winter sports have always been a significant part of my life. If you’re a big fan of winter sports too, you’re likely aware of the toll they can take on your body, not to mention how important it is to prep your body to

couple running in fall

How Will Turkey Dinner Impact Your HIIT Workout?

Moji Kaviani, Ph.D., CEP Who doesn’t like to get more health benefits while they are exercising in shorter periods of time? So, thanks to high-intensity interval training (HIIT) which helps so many people with a busy schedule to stay fit and healthy. HIIT consisted of short bouts of high-intensity exercise separated with low-intensity exercise for recovery,

alpine skiing

Is Skiing An Effective Alternative To Indoor Cycling?

Alyssa Bialowas As the days start getting shorter and colder, physical inactivity becomes the new norm for a lot people. Ask yourself this: How many times have you walked straight home after work, bypassing the gym in favour of your warm, comfortable house? Compared to the summer months, physical activity and total daily expenditure have

How HIIT Changes Our Body

Evan Stevens Researchers looked at how HIIT (high intensity interval training) changed glucose metabolism in diabetic mice. We have known for a long time that exercise can be used to improve, treat, and prevent all manner of metabolic disease outside of actually curing the disease and the changes are independent of dietary factors. However, there