woman running stairs

5 Ways HIIT Improves Fitness in Women

Alyssa Bialowas Research poll after research poll, male and female adults express that one of the biggest barriers they face to frequent exercise is lack of time. One common assumption is that exercise and physical activity at moderate-intensity for a long period is the superior way to burn fat and improve your overall body composition,

woman sprinting on a track

The Biomechanics of Sprinting

Alyssa Biawolas Understanding the biomechanics of sprint running form is essential to successful sprint performance. Biomechanical variables influencing sprinting include reaction time, technique, force production, neural factors, and muscle structure. The electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles also influences sprinting. Thomas (2017) found that maximal running speeds in sprint events are achieved by creating a

person standing in front of stairs

Why You Should Consider Morning HIIT Workouts

Catherine O’Brien Are you a night owl or a morning lark? Most people tend to fall into one of two groups: morning person vs. night owl. It turns out that there is a name for these categorizations and recent research suggests that knowing your sleep type may be important when planning your exercise. Depending on

people running through tires

7 Spring Fitness Tips For Outdoor Interval Training

Alyssa Bialowas Spring is an exciting time to re-motivate and align your health and fitness goals as you can finally get outside and put a halt to your indoor gym routine that was starting to lead you down a path of demotivation. Here are some tips for spring training and avoiding injury as the weather

female athlete pull-ups

4 Ways HIIT Exercise Improves Kidney Health

By Alyssa Bialowas High intensity interval training (HIIT) is a type of exercise that has been found to improve health levels in people with metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, and has recently been found to help those with kidney disease, too. Chronic kidney disease is characterised by failing kidney functions and reduced life expectancy. Complications arise from

running in the woods

Effect of Endurance Training on Lactate Threshold

A Review by Alyssa Bialowas Tools for aerobic fitness evaluation in endurance training are used in sport and clinical fields to test blood lactate levels for training and competition. Anaerobic threshold (LTAN) is defined as the point during exercise at which lactic acid starts to accumulate in the muscles, the point in intense exercise that

people working out

HIIT Responses In Endurance & Sprint Athletes

A Review by Alyssa Bialowas HIIT (high intensity interval training) is a widely popular training method used in both endurance and sprint training. For endurance athletes, HIIT is beneficial in a number of ways, from increasing cardiovascular fitness to promoting healthy blood glucose levels and increasing endurance overall. For sprint athletes, the intense bursts of

HIIT For Women

Creatine Supplementation and Adaptive Response to HIIT for Women

Moji Kaviani, Ph.D., CEP High-intensity-interval training (HIIT) has several well-established performance and health benefits. These include improving body composition, cholesterol, and cardiorespiratory fitness. In the hope of seeing further metabolic and physiological benefits., researchers are using various nutritional strategies, including supplements, in combination with HIIT to bolster its effects. Creatine Supplementation and HIIT for Women

Mindfulness and HIIT

Use Mindfulness To Weather the HIIT Storm

Hank Shell So, you’re giving this High Intensity Interval Training thing a shot. Good for you! Really. It’ll pay off in the long run. But, oh yea, also, HIIT IS HARD. That’s the point, of course. High intensity, high reward. Still, it’s a little easier to motivate for a quiet run through countryside than it

crossfit class

Are CrossFitters Prone To Injury? | The Answer May Surprise You

Alyssa Bialowas CrossFit emphasizes strength and conditioning that involves progressions in load as well as minor modifications to movements that require increased skill as you progress. This model in exercise regimens is called scalability. CrossFit is ideal for scaling as beginners and experts can participate in the same exercise; however perform their movements to a

jump rope

A Win-Win Combination – Intervals Vs Endurance (Part 6)

Evan Stevens We’ve seen that HIIT (shorter, highly strenuous bursts of activity separated by periods of low intensity or rest) and CEE (a continuous bout of exercise without a break interval and can be performed at low, moderate, or high intensities) do basically the same thing, relatively speaking. They both tax our aerobic system, they improve our