Build resiliency

How to Build Resiliency During A Pandemic

We are living through one of the most serious situations in modern history. This whole COVID-19 thing has turned the world as we know it upside down. And we could not have been any more unprepared. On both an individual and societal level, we are in a state of complete and utter disarray – so

CrossFit athlete performing pull ups

Are Shoulder Injuries Common in CrossFit?

Over the last decade, CrossFit has become one of the most popular modes of exercise on the planet. And really, given the fact that it offers a way to build strength and power, increase endurance and aerobic capacity, and even promote weight loss and muscle growth – and damn quickly at that – it really

Two men and two women using kettlebells for a workout in a gym

The Best CrossFit Workouts For Cardio & Strength

Hunter Bennett Over the last decade, we have seen CrossFit explode into the mainstream. It has quickly become one of the most popular ways of training on the planet. This unique form of high-intensity exercise is renowned for both its brutally intense workouts and a great sense of community. Oh, and I the fact that

man and woman doing a pull-up

Perfecting Your CrossFit Pull-Up

Hunter Bennett Over the last few years, CrossFit has truly revolutionized the health and fitness landscape. It has changed the way many people look at exercise, while also introducing the many benefits associated with heavy barbell-based strength training to the masses. With this has come the development and alteration of a number of different exercises

Group of people doing CrossFit

What Does CrossFit Do to Your Body?

Hunter Bennett As far as the world of exercise science goes, there tends to be a lot of research on most common training modalities – which is obviously a good thing. You see, it is this research that allows identifying what style of training we should use to elicit a specific type of training adaptation.

To women jumping on boxes

The Rise of CrossFit

Hunter Bennett Over the last few years, we have seen a resurgence in both high-intensity interval training, and barbell-based strength training – which is undoubtedly a good thing. These types of exercise have been shown to cause large increases in aerobic fitness and muscular strength, thus eliciting huge improvements in health, while also staving off

3 benefits of CrossFit

3 Benefits of CrossFit

Alyssa Biawolas CrossFit remains to be one of the most popular and most controversial fitness trends. It focuses on varying functional movements in a high-intensity setting (for a full definition see here). In the article, you will learn 3 benefits of CrossFit.  HIIT challenges people to improve their fitness by building their strength and enhancing their

hyperwear vest

Increase the Intensity with HyperWear’s Vest Pro

Hank Shell  Spring has arrived here in the beautiful San Juan Mountains. Those slate gray and gelid winter mornings are giving way, albeit reluctantly, to temperate sunrises and birdsong. Each day the rivers grow with the seasonal tithe of high-mountain runoff. The snows are receding, revealing the myriad caches of dog poop that punctuate every

women doing a push up

Ultimate Recovery Tool: Recoup Fitness Cold Roller

Katie Rose Hejtmanek, PhD I am masters athlete currently training for a women-only powerlifting meet (where the majority of the lifters are masters athletes!) and in order to be at my best, I must focus as much on my recovery as I do my training. But even if one isn’t training for an event, a

crossfit class

Are CrossFitters Prone To Injury? | The Answer May Surprise You

Alyssa Bialowas CrossFit emphasizes strength and conditioning that involves progressions in load as well as minor modifications to movements that require increased skill as you progress. This model in exercise regimens is called scalability. CrossFit is ideal for scaling as beginners and experts can participate in the same exercise; however perform their movements to a


Holidays Are Not The Only Contributor | 3 Ways To Avoid Annual Weight Gain

Katie Rose Hejtmanek, PhD Anthropologist CrossFit Level 1 Trainer It is that time of year again, the time when the average American claims to gain 5 pounds thanks to the holiday festivities. Recently, research scientists have begun to investigate this claim: Do Americans really gain that much weight over the holidays and what happens to


Increase Strength, Increase Lifespan – Powerlifting Could Change Your Life

Katie Rose Hejtmanek, PhD, Anthropologist  Increase Strength, Increase Lifespan Part 2 – Powerlifting as Life Changing Sport In my previous article, I showed that some research investigates the relationship between muscle mass, power, strength, and the health of older adults. This research suggests that increasing muscle mass, power, and strength will improve the health of older