
Clash of The Titans – Intervals vs Endurance (Part 1)

Evan Stevens At Fast Twitch Grandma we’ve done a lot of research into High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Our founder, the Fast Twitch Grandma herself Virginia Davies, initially started our expanding website with the exploration of how exercise could be used to improve aging outcomes. With a keen focus on HIIT, she wanted to know

crossfit kettlebell class

Predict Overuse Injuries In CrossFit Athletes

By Alyssa Bialowas CrossFit has gained a lot of traction in the athletic community, especially over the past few years. CrossFit is a high intensity fitness program based on functional movements that reflect several sports and types of exercises. Overuse injuries (injury caused by repetitive trauma) are prevalent in competitive sport and are the predominant

Strong Is The New Strong – Girls Gone RX

Forever Fit Science recently attended Girls Gone RX in Denver, CO. Girls Gone RX is an all female Crossfit competition made up of 3 person teams. Their partner BrightPink.org has a mission to save women’s lives from breast and ovarian cancer by empowering them to live proactively at a young age. These women are a

66 Burpees For 66 Years | Inside The Gym Of A Crossfit Guru

What is your plan for your next birthday? How about performing burpees? Turning 30? 30 burpees. 40? 40 burpees. 90? 90 burpees. Take a sneak peak into a Crossfit Weightlifting “Guru’s” gym and get ready to be inspired by these hilarious masters athletes. For more fitness tips and motivation visit our website at www.Forever Fit

The Will To Compete

Mike Choi, 45, is a competitive masters weightlifter. Mike was a “weekend warrior” until he discovered Crossfit. He is now the bronze medalist at the 2017 World Masters Games and the founder of the DC Weightlifting Club. Mike explains the draw he has to competition as the will to compete and the achievement competition brings.

sore muscles pin point

6 Cures for Sore Muscles After HIIT

Alyssa Bialowas What are Sore Muscles? Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is essentially your body’s response to muscle pain after a workout. This response sends a signal to your body to leave those muscle alone and results from microscopic tears in your muscle tissue. DOMS can affect anyone regardless of fitness level and tends to

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Crossfit For All Ages

Katie Rose Hejtmanek, PhD Stay Strong, Mobile, and Able! “It is a great feeling when you can apply what you do in the class to life. The other day I had to take a big package to the Upper East Side. Normally, I would have taken an Uber. But I thought, ‘We do carries , why