Obesity and COVID-19

Does Obesity Increase Your Risk of Coronavirus?

We are currently living in a pretty interesting time. Inundated with bad news stories on every channel, isolated from the outside world with no real social interaction, and completely unable to get the gym and train – it sounds like something out of a science fiction movie. But it’s not. Its real, and it’s happening

Yoga on the beach

Do Genes Dictate Your Health?

Hunter Bennett I would put my money on the fact that the vast majority of you reading this article have some sort of interest in health and fitness. In fact, simply because you are actually reading this article, I would go as far as to suggest that your interest in health is greater than that

man running

HIIT: Increase Intensity To Lengthen Healthspan – Ebook

Evan Stevens Forever Fit Science emphasizes the importance of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) incorporated into workouts. In this ebook, Evan Stevens, an accomplished sprinter covers many topics related to HIIT training. The first article explains the importance of resistance training in aging adults to increase bone density as well as muscle strength while decreasing fat deposition.


Obesity & Dopamine Dysfunction

Julia C. Basso, PhD Obesity is a major problem worldwide.  In the United States, more than 66% of adults are overweight, with 1 out of every 3 being considered obese (National Institutes of Health).  Obesity is determined based on a person’s Body Mass Index or BMI.  BMI is calculated by dividing your weight in kilograms

Can Interval Training Help Mitigate Obesity?

Evan Stevens This session really just was in addition to all of the information we’ve already seen at the conference so far. Interval training is very important to health and can increase the palatability of exercise. The first study conducted a perceived exertion and ranked enjoyment test on continuous versus interval exercise when matched for

A Poor Diet Impairs Memory, But Exercise May Help

Julia C. Basso, PhD Obesity is a worldwide epidemic.  Since 1980, obesity rates have nearly doubled, with 35% of adults over the age of 20 classified as overweight and 11% classified as obese.  It is theorized that the increase in obesity is due to the modern lifestyle, which is characterized by highly available, energy dense

father and daughter grocery shopping

Counting Calories May Prevent Overeating

Dayton Kelly As we all know, the food we eat has an enormous impact on our body weight and health. Obesity is highly related to the onset of numerous chronic diseases and the risk of many diseases can be largely mitigated by improving one’s diet and exercising. Understanding how our body responds to eating is

grocery shopping

3 Tips To Minimize Everyday Chemicals

Adriane Cook B.S. Kinesiology, Michigan State University www.balancewithme.com Chemicals, toxins, and pollution, oh my! Do you ever feel as though every product you buy and food you eat is laced with hidden toxins and chemicals? Do you find yourself overwhelmed, wanting the healthiest life for you and your family, but not sure where to start?

Reduce Healthcare Costs

Reduce Healthcare Costs with Exercise

Julia Basso – PhD It’s that spooky time of year, and surely something’s scary…healthcare costs in the United States.  Countries around the world spend on average 9% of their gross domestic product (GDP) on health care.  From this graph, which represents the healthcare costs per capita as a percentage of the GDP, you can see