Reset your health

Now Is the Time to Reset Your Health

Even though we are living in the most abundant time in human history, chronic disease is at all-time high. The incidence of obesity, diabetes cardiovascular disease, depression, and anxiety are all reaching epidemic proportions. And to top it all off, we are now facing a coronavirus pandemic. Not good. But, in my honest option, this

Female athlete exercising while sick

How Exercise Prevents Sickness

Everyone on the planet knows that exercise is good for them. In fact, over the last few years it has been shown to not only prevent the onset of physical ailments like heart disease and diabetes, but even nasty mental illnesses like depression and anxiety. It really is a cure-all. And now there is reason

Women in the vitamin aisle

3 Vitamins to Boost Your Immune System Now

Given the impact that coronavirus is having on our society, I thought it would be a great time to provide some useful information that can have a positive effect on your immune system. And no, I am not talking about some magic ointment or amazing new supplement. I am talking about vitamins. Do vitamins improve


How Exercise Could Prevent Coronavirus

Everyone on the planet knows that exercise is good for them. In fact, over the last few years it has been shown to not only prevent the onset of physical ailments like heart disease and diabetes, but even nasty mental illnesses like depression and anxiety. It really is a cure-all. And now there is reason

Woman doing a plank

Physical Activity and The Immune System

Almost everyone on the planet knows that exercise is good for them. Its good for your heart, good for your waistline, and even good for your mental state. But what if I told you that it may also be good for your immune system? Well, recent research suggests that it probably is. What is exercise

The Trick Stress Plays on Your Metabolism

Gillian White – BSc, MSc., PhD Candidate A sheep in wolf’s clothing: The mean trick stress plays on your body’s metabolism. University of Toronto, Department of Exercise Sciences For most people reading this article, it’s a no-brainer to say that stress is bad. What stress is an why it’s “bad” is a little bit hazier. There

woman doing exercise for heart health

5 Ways To Exercise Your Heart

Julia Basso Exercise beneficially affects the body in a surprising number of ways.  I am excited to be writing a series based on the effects of exercise on a variety of different bodily systems.  As we all know, exercise is good for the heart and overall cardiovascular health.   When we workout, our heart rate

woman blowing nose

10 Ways To Boost Your Immunity

Dayton Kelly The following was adapted from a combination of speeches given at the European Sports Science Conference 2017, most notably Walsh, N. et al. and Nieman, D. . Everyone hates getting sick. It is uncomfortable, it keeps you away from the things you love and it makes training difficult. Thus, it is a priority

gym equipment

Stay Healthy At The Gym | 6 Tips For Athletes

Alyssa Bialowas It is challenging to stay healthy in the wintertime; gyms and community centers are swimming with bacteria, fungus, and other things that may reduce your immunity. Going to the gym or participating in training for a competition when you’re already sick with an upper respiratory tract infection, for example a common cold, tonsillitis,

grabing dumbell

Are You At Risk For Skin Infection?

Alyssa Bialowas It is challenging to stay healthy in the wintertime; gyms and community centers are swimming with bacteria, fungus, and other things that may reduce your immunity. Going to the gym or participating in training for a competition when you’re already sick with an upper respiratory tract infection, for example a common cold, tonsillitis,


High Volume Training Affects Immune System In Endurance Athletes

Alyssa Bialowas Exercising regularly and moderately improves your overall health, which is said to help boost and strengthen your immune system, defending the body against infections. However, overdoing it with strenuous repeated exercise can reduce immune function, and endurance athletes have a notably depressed immunity, especially when it comes to upper respiratory tract infections. When

Brain Inflammation and Exercise

Exercise and Brain Inflammation

Julia Basso – PhD The post I wrote last week talked about the exciting connection between exercise and the immune system.  I specifically focused on one immune factor, known as interleukin-6 (IL-6), that not only serves immune functions but also acts to enhance metabolic processes, like burning fats and sugars.  Because exercise affects our immune factors,