Use the Hurdle Step to Test Your Running Mechanics

An easy way to test or observe your running mechanics is to use the Functional Movement Screen (FMS) Hurdle Step approach. As you will see in the video, this technique will enhance proper running mechanics, ensure great hip mobility, and allow you to run as efficiently as possible. Tight hips, tensor fasciae latae muscle, and

5 Bio-Motor Abilities

Forever Fit Science’s founder Virginia Davies explains the 5 bio-motor abilities crucial to a well-rounded training plan which includes speed, endurance, strength, flexibility, and balance. You Might Like:

5 Hip Exercises For Prevention And Performance

Ryan Cross – B.A. Hons (Kin), MScPT, FCAMPT Registered Physiotherapist at CBI Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada The hip joint has implications in a number of injuries and can contribute to decreased performance.  Improving mobility and strength in the hip area can have a positive effect on treatment of an injury and

The Power Plate – A Way To Power Your Workout

Julia Basso – PhD I am really excited to say that I joined a new gym – the Summit, NJ YMCA.  It is fully equipped with all of the best workout equipment and many machines that I have never seen before.  I was introduced to one called the power plate.  It is a rather sizable

Improve Performance With Mobility Training

Lauren Rubadeau There are several factors in our modern lifestyles that can affect our physical well-being and leave us feeling aged beyond our years. Sitting for extended hours throughout the day at a desk, overall lack of movement, or even repetitive movements that comprise our range of motion can leave our bodies feeling stiff and