
Gender May Affect Exercise Motivation

Catherine O’Brien There is a wealth of research on the role of motivation in exercise adherence and goal pursuit. According to the self-determination theory (Deci and Ryan, 2000) the underlying motivation for pursuing a goal is a good predictor in the outcome and success of that goal such that when motivation is autonomous, the goal

Post-Concussion Management

Catherine O’Brien Post-Concussion Syndrome and Treatment In this article on the topic of concussion, I will discuss the management and treatment associated with concussion and post-concussion syndrome. Based on the two previous articles, it is clear that concussion is a prevalent and serious health issue among the athletic population. In response to the growing prevalence

girls basketball

4 Key Risk Factors For Concussions

Catherine O’Brien Last week’s article introduced the topic of concussion and addressed the role of sport participation in concussion risk. This week I am going to discuss some other key factors that increase risk for concussion. Risk Factors While it is clear that participating in contact sports and riding in automobiles increases risk of concussion,

Concussions in Youth Ice Hockey

Catherine O’Brien The brain is surrounded and protected by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). A concussion occurs when the brain is jolted as a result of a blow to the head, quick acceleration or deceleration. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention defines concussion as “a type of traumatic brain injury (TBI) caused by a bump, blow

Recipe For Setting And Achieving Goals

Catherine O’Brien Control, Competence and Connectedness Many people enter the new year with fitness and health goals. Whether it be to lose weight, go to the gym consistently each week, or run a marathon, the New Year is a time to reset and refocus. We are about a month into 2017…how are your health related

Aerobic Exercise – A Treatment For Schizophrenia

Catherine O’Brien Schizophrenia is a severe and chronic mental disorder that impacts perception, cognition, emotional regulation and thought processes. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, symptoms of schizophrenia are often categorized as positive, negative, or cognitive. Positive symptoms include hallucinations, delusions, and thought and movement disorders. Negative symptoms include flat affect, reduced feelings

Fit and Happy

Catherine O’Brien Fit and Happy Growing up, my mother always encouraged me and my three siblings to “run it out” to help cope with our emotions. Whether it be a bad test grade, a fight with a friend or anxiety about an upcoming game, running was always prescription #1. I feel fortunate to have learned

Exercise And PMS

Catherine O’Brien Exercise and PMS: A case for exercising during menstruation To exercise or to rest? That is the question many women face once a month when they get their period. The fatigue, achiness and cramping can be enough to make you hit the snooze button or ditch your post work cardio session. Premenstrual syndrome