children running

Study Shows Active Children Are Better At Math

Catherine O’Brien We know that aerobic exercise has positive effects on brain health and cognition. Recently, a greater emphasis has been placed on the relationship between aerobic exercise and brain health in the developmental years.  From a structural point of view, greater physical activity has been associated with increased volume of the hippocampus and dorsal

kids exercising in classroom

FUNtervals – Exercise Intervals For Children

Catherine O’Brien High Intensity Intervals: The key to a focused classroom? This month I have been focusing on the effects of physical exercise on academic performance in school-age children. Research has demonstrated that levels of fitness are positively correlated with academic performance and research done by Fedewa et al. showed the positive effects of integrated

A Look Inside The Mind Of Distance Runners

Catherine O’Brien Have you ever driven past a runner and thought “I wonder what is going through their head”? If you are like me, the answer is yes. In addition to observing pace, stride, and posture, I’ve recently found myself trying to decode distance runners faces to get a sense of what they are feeling

happy walker

Run/Walk Or Run Only?

Catherine O’Brien When I first started running, my mom introduced me to the Galloway Method. This method of running, designed by Jeff Galloway, is a method which involves a combination of periods of running and periods of walking. There has been a great deal of research on this method (and other run / walk methods)


Exercise Enjoyment May Affect Post-Workout Eating Habits

Catherine O’Brien While a healthy lifestyle is dependent upon various factors, it is widely accepted that nutrition and exercise are two primary factors. Nutrition and exercise interact with one another and increased physical exertion calls for greater caloric consumption. Anyone who has worked out in the morning and found themselves ravenous for lunch at 10:30am

tired runner

Mental Fatigue Can Affect Your Workout

Catherine O’Brien There is a wealth of research that demonstrates the positive effects of exercise on physical, mental and emotional life domains. In this way, exercise improves our ability to: Cope with subsequent stressful events Helps us maintain a positive mood Can increase performance on cognitively demanding tasks Research in the field of sports sciences

woman working out with trainer

How Personality Affects Workout Habits

Catherine O’Brien Twice a week I switch out my upbeat running playlist for a podcast. Some podcasts cover news and politics; others report episodically on the investigation of a crime. While I have a full arsenal of podcasts at my fingertips now, it all began when I got hooked on Gretchen Rubin’s podcast “Happier”. They

exercise in the morning

Exercise Now To Handle Stressful Situations Later

Catherine O’Brien Every day we encounter stressful situations. Whether it be a presentation to a supervisor at work, a particularly challenging exam, or an uncomfortable conversation with a friend or loved one, stressful situations surround us in all domains of life. There has been extensive research on the role of stress is in causing cardiovascular

Improve Pace By Running With Others

Catherine O’Brien I enjoy running alone and am intimidated at the idea of running with others. Am I slowing them down? Am I going to fast? What if I want to stop for a water break? Because of this, I have adopted a pretty solo running regimen which has proven to be a great time

A Midday Cardio Session May Make You A Better Worker

Catherine O’Brien Author Catherine O’Brien and co-workers at lunchtime boxing class! The lunchtime workout is becoming more and more popular. Many people are foregoing the trip to the salad bar or sandwich shop and instead opting to eat on the run or at their desk so they can squeeze in a midday sweat session. Most

spin class

Parkinson’s Disease & Cycling Benefits

Catherine O’Brien Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a disease of the nervous system that is characterized by impaired motor function. This impairment can manifest in various ways including tremor, bradykinesia (slowed movement), rigid muscles, impaired posture, loss of automatic movement and impairment of speech and writing ability (Mayo Clinic, 2015). According to the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation,


Exercise Treatment For Post-Concussion Syndrome

Catherine O’Brien As discussed last week, Post-Concussion Syndrome (PCS) is marked by a series of persistent cognitive, psychological and physical symptoms following a concussion. There is some variance in the definition for PCS and there is a lack of consensus regarding the length of symptom presentation needed to diagnose PCS. While the Diagnostic and Statistics