Skip Your Way To A Better Day

Forever Fit Science’s co-founder Virginia Davies shares her secrets to a good morning routine to get a healthy start to your day.  In this video Virginia takes you through a few of her favorite exercises she uses to warm-up her body for the day.   You Might Like:

backcountry ski touring

Get in Shape for Backcountry Ski Touring

Hank Shell It’s been a particularly dismal couple of weeks here in Telluride, as far as skiing goes. Truth be told, the town has seen more rain than snow. The snow, when it has fallen, has been heavy and wet at lower elevations – more typical of maritime precipitation than the “blower” powder Colorado is

Man running in snow

The “Tweener” – The Time Between 2 Seasons

Paul Stevens “THE TWEENER” What’s a ‘tweener’ you ask?  Well, it’s the time between two distinct seasons. The weather tells me it’s not really winter any more and it’s not quite spring yet.  It’s ‘in between’, hence it’s a ‘tweener’. Think of Homer Simpson who invented the new daily meal he called ‘Linner”; that meal

family running together

Thoughts From Grayson: Joy and Momentum

Grayson Fertig Dear Forever Fit Sciences, As I read across the massive amount of blogs, post, studies, articles and books related to the field of health and wellness I continue to be impressed by how many good ideas are out there.  For sure some ideas are better than others and some ideas are better for

The Story of FastTwitchGrandma

Forever Fit Science’s innovator and co-founder, Virginia Davies, explains her motivations on staying fit while playing everyday of her life and being the best she can be for herself and her loved ones.  After having major surgery, Davies became quite concerned with her health.  She joined a gym and realized most of the trainers were not

Stay Fit With A Ski Trip

  Paul Stevens Carpe Diem (but in a relaxed sort of way) “SCHUSSING THROUGH THE SNOW” The annual ski trip is now in the books and a good time was had by all.  As mentioned previously, a week at Quebec’s Mt. Tremblant was planned and without wanting to make this sound like an unpaid advertisement,

Get Off The Groomed Trail With Backcountry Snowmobiling

Hank Shell When it comes to backcountry skiing, there is no luxury so sinful as a snowmobile. A long journey skinning through deep snow becomes a swift jaunt through swirling landscapes. The rasping wind hard against your face is no longer solely in the realm of the descent. I was at work in Mountain Village,

Fit and Happy

Catherine O’Brien Fit and Happy Growing up, my mother always encouraged me and my three siblings to “run it out” to help cope with our emotions. Whether it be a bad test grade, a fight with a friend or anxiety about an upcoming game, running was always prescription #1. I feel fortunate to have learned

#Dadblog: Rest And Active Recovery

Mike Caterini Key West Florida was the setting for my final Triathlon of the year on December 3, 2016. This Olympic distance triathlon (1.5 km swim, 40 km bike, 10 km run) was completed in the relatively modest time of 3 hr 43 min, which placed me 14 out of 18 participants in the 55

What Is Your Why?

Forever Fit Science Master Athletes tell their why for competing and staying active.  From not being a hamster to winning gold medals, these athletes’ stories are inspiring.  Watching this video will get you thinking, what is your why? You Might Like:

Tempus Fugit

“Tempus Fugit” When You Stay Active

  Paul Stevens Carpe Diem (but in a relaxed sort of way) “TEMPUS FUGIT” I get sucked into the same hole every year.  I repeatedly think that the break offered by the holiday season will provide the time to do a bunch of things from odd jobs around the house to sitting by the fire

Lung Patients Receive Harmonica Therapy at New Jersey Hospital

Virginia Davies Inspired by Forever Fit Science’s founder Virginia Davies mother, the idea of “Harmonicare” may strengthen diaphragm muscles and improve stamina.  Discover how Harmonica therapy can help patients with lung disease.  Read the full article here. Related Article: A New Way to Strengthen Your Lungs: Harmonica