Woman athlete drinking coffee overlooking water

Caffeine May Help or Hinder Athletic Performance

Most people have heard that caffeine enhances athletic performance, in fact, current guidelines recommend ingesting 3-9mg/kg 60 minutes prior to exercise. However, if you have ever tried it for yourself you might have found that the effects are negligible for you whereas your friend is able to exercise harder for a longer period of time.

Sprinters doing the hurdles on a track

The Biomechanics of Breathing During Sprinting

Sprinting is one of the most physically demanding tasks that the human body can perform. It requires an incredible amount of explosive power, tissue resilience, and motor coordination, in conjunction with a vast body of speed and endurance. But what many people fail to consider is the importance of breathing. Yep, believe it or not,

Young female athlete jogger resting by a lake

Are There Benefits to Working out on Cannabis?

Not so long ago, merely suggesting that there could be any benefit to exercising on cannabis would have been absurd – but with its recent legislation, and a growing body of research exploring its many potential health benefits, this is not as crazy as it first seemed. In fact, there is some recent research suggesting

CrossFit athlete performing pull ups

Are Shoulder Injuries Common in CrossFit?

Over the last decade, CrossFit has become one of the most popular modes of exercise on the planet. And really, given the fact that it offers a way to build strength and power, increase endurance and aerobic capacity, and even promote weight loss and muscle growth – and damn quickly at that – it really

Young female slalom skier during the race

Are ACL tears more common during a women’s menstrual cycle?

If you are an athlete or weekend warrior who has gone down with an injury, it is the arguably worst thing you can hear. Those three dreaded syllables. ACL. Yep, the good old anterior cruciate ligament injury. As far as injuries go, it is one of the worst. Not only is it extremely painful, but

Young woman sitting on edge looks out at view

How to Live Longer: What You Need to Know

Ah, the age-old question: “how to live longer?” Something that has plagued our society since the dawn of time. Seriously, it appears as if we have forever been searching for the fountain of youth. Constantly looking for ways to extend our lifespan, and in doing so spend a few more years on this amazing planet

Male masters athlete sprinting

The Biomechanics of the Sprint Start

A perfect sprint performance is dictated by several factors, including muscle strength, explosive muscle power, a high degree of neural coordination, and most importantly – optimal sprinting technique. However, while most sprinters tend to take an in-depth look at their sprinting technique when they are at maximal speed, they overlook what I would consider to


How Do Sports Injury Rates Change As You Age?

As you get older, exercise becomes the most beneficial thing you can do for your body. It staves off disease and illness, all whilst helping you maintain (and often improve) joint, bone, and muscle health. Moreover, it even has the capacity to improve your quality of life across the lifespan. Now, one of the most

A Group of runners running in a running race

Can Intermittent Fasting and Exercise Prevent Cancer?

It could easily be argued that we are living in the best time in human history. In fact, many would state that it cannot really be argued – it is simply a fact. And really, you can see why. Global poverty is steadily declining, we have everything we could ever want at the touch of

Group of women sprinting

Does Sprint Performance Decline With Age?

Exercising regularly across your lifespan is the perfect way to maintain health and function well into your golden years – and one of the best modes of exercise on the planet is unquestionably sprinting. Sprinting provides a unique combination of strength, power, balance, and coordination into one single exercise, making it incredibly effective. But did

FODMAP and exercise

FODMAPS and Exercise

Dayton Kelly FODMAPs: A culprit in exercise-induced gastrointestinal distress and an explanation for athlete adoption of gluten-free diets This article was adapted from a combination of speeches given at the European Sports Science Conference 2018, most notably Dana Lis (University of California, US). You may have reached this article from a preceding one on gluten-free

Figure skating

It’s Your Moment. Find Out How You Can Keep From Choking Under Pressure.

Dayton Kelly This article was adapted from a combination of speeches given at the European Sports Science Conference 2018, most notably Denise Hill (SWANSEA UNIVERSITY, UK), Christopher Mesagno (FEDERATION UNIVERSITY, AUSTRALIA), and Juergen Beckmann (TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY MUNICH, GERMANY) Life and sport are filled with moments of pressure; everyone has experienced instances when the failure to