Get in the Zone: Heart Rate Monitoring

Dayton Kelley The Fast Twitch Grandma readers are well-informed individuals after having explored our website. Our readers know that exercise offers a bounty of physical and mental benefits including extended life expectancy (Lee, et al., 2012). They understand that reaching these advantages can be done in a variety of ways: long distance endurance training, strength

Power Training for Runners

Evan Stevens This session had several talks that just went over things we’ve already heard at the conference thus far; there were only two that had some novel information and are presented here. The first talk in the session was about how power training in ‘ultra-marathon’ runners significantly improved measures of performance. In this study,


How Sweat Helps You Keep Your Cool

Gillian White   BSc, MSc, PhD Candidate Department of Exercise Sciences, University of Toronto How Sweat Helps You Keep Your Cool As summer winds down and we are faced with the grim reality of fall, stress levels can increase as we settle back into the grind. While everyone has an individual motivation for why they

Can Interval Training Help Mitigate Obesity?

Evan Stevens This session really just was in addition to all of the information we’ve already seen at the conference so far. Interval training is very important to health and can increase the palatability of exercise. The first study conducted a perceived exertion and ranked enjoyment test on continuous versus interval exercise when matched for

Food vs Protein Supplements

Evan Stevens The final talk in this session was a breath of fresh air for a lot of us. It dealt with the comparison of regular foods versus the use of protein supplements. What researchers wanted to know was if regular food was as good, if not better, than supplementing with protein powders and drinks

fit 55

Crossfit For All Ages

Katie Rose Hejtmanek, PhD Stay Strong, Mobile, and Able! “It is a great feeling when you can apply what you do in the class to life. The other day I had to take a big package to the Upper East Side. Normally, I would have taken an Uber. But I thought, ‘We do carries , why

The Truth About Carbo Loading

Evan Stevens Carbo Loading Carb loading, for those who haven’t been around sport for the past 40 years or so, is when you workout really hard, deplete a lot of your glycogen, and then stuff your face full of CHOs so you boost your glycogen levels up past your baseline amount of glycogen. Known as

Quick Facts

Quick Facts For A Healthier You

Evan Stevens Each day between the morning and afternoon sessions of the conference there was a two hour period of mini presentations. These were short, two-minute talks given by people who just wanted to present their research (they were not necessarily invited speakers). These rapid-fire talks came fast. Some were familiar as they had been

man and woman passing an exercise ball while doing sit ups at a gym

90 Seconds A Day of HIIT Might Be All You Need

Evan Stevens We know that HIIT can be used to improve parameters of health in diseased individuals, but can it work in healthy individuals/a whole population, and if so, how might it work? The first talk of the session examined just that by having individuals perform single leg cycling tests; one leg would perform short,

group exercising

3 Exercise Tips to Prevent and Treat Depression

Sara Thompson, M.Sc. in Exercise Science The 3 Pieces of Advice: Go out and try something. The hardest step is the first one, but once you start exercising you will feel better and be more inclined to continue. Add some high-intensity exercise into your routine. Even a little bit of moderate or vigorous activity can

cycling in the rain

Carpe Diem, The Series: Weather Permitting

Paul Stevens Carpe Diem (but in a relaxed sort of way) “ALL DRESSED UP WITH NO PLACE TO GO!” I’m sitting in the house on a Saturday looking out at what is a cool and miserably wet day.  My fellow Manditos (the bike riding group I pedal with here in Sarnia) had some preliminary thoughts

Skip Your Way To A Better Day

Forever Fit Science’s co-founder Virginia Davies shares her secrets to a good morning routine to get a healthy start to your day.  In this video Virginia takes you through a few of her favorite exercises she uses to warm-up her body for the day.   You Might Like: