Exercise Induced Sleep Improvements

Julia Basso Getting a good night’s rest is important for so many aspects of our lives including our overall sense of wellbeing.  The fact that we spend on average 33% of our lives sleeping is an indicator that sleep must serve a very important purpose.  Not surprisingly, research has shown that a variety of physiological

The Truth About Carbo Loading

Evan Stevens Carbo Loading Carb loading, for those who haven’t been around sport for the past 40 years or so, is when you workout really hard, deplete a lot of your glycogen, and then stuff your face full of CHOs so you boost your glycogen levels up past your baseline amount of glycogen. Known as

Managing Chronic Pain

Manage Chronic Pain with Exercise

 Julia Basso, PhD Chronic pain is a serious and debilitating condition for many people. It affects more Americans than diabetes, heart disease and cancer combined (American Academy of Pain Medicine).  An initial incident such as a broken bone or physical injury, surgery, infection, or traumatic brain injury can initiate chronic pain. Or, it may be a

Quick Facts

Quick Facts For A Healthier You

Evan Stevens Each day between the morning and afternoon sessions of the conference there was a two hour period of mini presentations. These were short, two-minute talks given by people who just wanted to present their research (they were not necessarily invited speakers). These rapid-fire talks came fast. Some were familiar as they had been

Exercise-Induced Increases in Brain Size

Julia Basso – PhD Carbon dating in the human brain:  Implications for exercise-induced increases in brain size        Do you ever wonder why scientists use animal models?  Are you skeptical of findings in rodents and find it difficult to understand the importance of these discoveries for humans?  If so, that is a totally

man and woman passing an exercise ball while doing sit ups at a gym

90 Seconds A Day of HIIT Might Be All You Need

Evan Stevens We know that HIIT can be used to improve parameters of health in diseased individuals, but can it work in healthy individuals/a whole population, and if so, how might it work? The first talk of the session examined just that by having individuals perform single leg cycling tests; one leg would perform short,

Lengthen Healthspan Through Exercise

Julia Basso – PhD Youth is a sought after thing.  Doctors, scientists, and many others among us are actively seeking the elusive fountain of youth.  The ultimate question is:  how do we keep our bodies and minds young?  One of my favorite movies, Death Becomes Her, stars Meryl Streep and Goldie Hawn.  In it, these

HIIT- Does Non-Weight Bearing Rowing Do The trick?

Sarah West – PhD, Assistant Professor, Trent University Recently, I contributed a series to the FTG research blog about the importance of maintaining bone health with aging.  Bone loss can lead to Osteoporosis (i.e., thinning of the bones, and an increased risk of having a fracture), which is a very common disease that is associated

So You Want To Be A Sprinter? – Part 5

Evan Stevens So You Want To Be A Sprinter? – Part 1 So You Want To Be A Sprinter? – Part 2 So You Want To Be A Sprinter? – Part 3 So You Want To Be A Sprinter? – Part 4 Part 5: Basic/Sample Training Program Now we come to the training itself. We


Gender May Affect Exercise Motivation

Catherine O’Brien There is a wealth of research on the role of motivation in exercise adherence and goal pursuit. According to the self-determination theory (Deci and Ryan, 2000) the underlying motivation for pursuing a goal is a good predictor in the outcome and success of that goal such that when motivation is autonomous, the goal

The Story of FastTwitchGrandma

Forever Fit Science’s innovator and co-founder, Virginia Davies, explains her motivations on staying fit while playing everyday of her life and being the best she can be for herself and her loved ones.  After having major surgery, Davies became quite concerned with her health.  She joined a gym and realized most of the trainers were not

5 Hip Exercises For Prevention And Performance

Ryan Cross – B.A. Hons (Kin), MScPT, FCAMPT Registered Physiotherapist at CBI Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada The hip joint has implications in a number of injuries and can contribute to decreased performance.  Improving mobility and strength in the hip area can have a positive effect on treatment of an injury and