woman weightlifter

The 7 Myths of Weightlifting

Evan Stevens There are common utterances when the conversation shifts to weightlifting and why people don’t do it. More so than any other form of exercise, lifting has a near infuriating amount of misinformation and myths surrounding it that steers people away. Yet it remains that lifting is one of the best ways to maintain

The Best Exercises for a Strong Foundation

Foundation is set to carry or support any load that is placed above it.  The stronger the foundation, the better the performance within each sport respectfully or sport specific training. In sprinting, a great foundation leads to a more powerful and faster athlete. The stronger an athlete is, the more force they will be able

Woman lifting weights

Does Weightlifting Make You Smarter as You Age?

Evan Stevens New research just published has determined that leg exercises, particularly weight-bearing exercises, send signals to the brain which are of critical importance to neural cell health. This groundbreaking research has shown that neural cell health is as directly linked to the signals back from the large working muscles as are the signals developed

Strong Is The New Strong – Girls Gone RX

Forever Fit Science recently attended Girls Gone RX in Denver, CO. Girls Gone RX is an all female Crossfit competition made up of 3 person teams. Their partner BrightPink.org has a mission to save women’s lives from breast and ovarian cancer by empowering them to live proactively at a young age. These women are a

66 Burpees For 66 Years | Inside The Gym Of A Crossfit Guru

What is your plan for your next birthday? How about performing burpees? Turning 30? 30 burpees. 40? 40 burpees. 90? 90 burpees. Take a sneak peak into a Crossfit Weightlifting “Guru’s” gym and get ready to be inspired by these hilarious masters athletes. For more fitness tips and motivation visit our website at www.Forever Fit

The Will To Compete

Mike Choi, 45, is a competitive masters weightlifter. Mike was a “weekend warrior” until he discovered Crossfit. He is now the bronze medalist at the 2017 World Masters Games and the founder of the DC Weightlifting Club. Mike explains the draw he has to competition as the will to compete and the achievement competition brings.