Family walking

Walking After Eating: An Effective Way to Manage Blood Sugar

Over the last few years, Type II diabetes has become one of the biggest health concerns on the planet. Typified by an inability to correctly manage your blood sugar levels, it can have deleterious health effects that increase your risk of numerous diseases, while also shortening your lifespan – making it a major concern across

Flaxseed supplementation

Flaxseed Supplementation, Walking, and Hypertension

Hypertension is a chronic condition that can lead to cardiovascular disease or stroke, if not treated properly. As we age (mainly after 40 years), our rate of hypertension will go up. However, engaging in regular physical activity and adopting a healthy diet can help. These non-pharmaceutical strategies are strongly recommended for people at the prehypertension stage,

happy walker

Run/Walk Or Run Only?

Catherine O’Brien When I first started running, my mom introduced me to the Galloway Method. This method of running, designed by Jeff Galloway, is a method which involves a combination of periods of running and periods of walking. There has been a great deal of research on this method (and other run / walk methods)

Get Active With Rheumatoid Arthritis

Gillian White – MSc, PhD (C), University of Toronto, Department of Exercise Sciences Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease causing pain, swelling, and dysfunction of the joints in roughly 1% of adult Americans (Scott, Wolfe, & Huizinga 2010). Because of its autoimmune nature, symptoms can be improved with lifestyle behaviours that reduce inflammation. Although

#Dadblog: Rest And Active Recovery

Mike Caterini Key West Florida was the setting for my final Triathlon of the year on December 3, 2016. This Olympic distance triathlon (1.5 km swim, 40 km bike, 10 km run) was completed in the relatively modest time of 3 hr 43 min, which placed me 14 out of 18 participants in the 55

Tempus Fugit

“Tempus Fugit” When You Stay Active

  Paul Stevens Carpe Diem (but in a relaxed sort of way) “TEMPUS FUGIT” I get sucked into the same hole every year.  I repeatedly think that the break offered by the holiday season will provide the time to do a bunch of things from odd jobs around the house to sitting by the fire

Stay Fit with Elk Hunting in the Colorado Rockies

Hank Shell Fall in Colorado’s Southern San Juan Range is a fickle and tempestuous season. The landscape undergoes a metamorphosis of color as the truncated days and cool nights set the once green collars of the mountains ablaze with orange leaves. Hoar frost supplants the morning dew on Alpine meadows of sedge and hairgrass, and the first

Staying in Shape for the Long Haul

    Paul Stevens “ALMOST DONE” Halloween was just a couple of days ago and wasn’t it fun to see the little ones show up at the door, wide-eyed and dressed up in all manner of costumes, holding their treat bags open anticipating what we were about to add to their collection of goodies?  We

Walk in the Park

Is it as Simple as a Walk in the Park?

Gillian White , BSc, MSc, PhD (candidate) Department of Exercise Sciences, University of Toronto Is it as Simple as a Walk in the Park? Earlier this summer, I ran a trail half marathon. I like running, but the course is challenging with 1600m vertical change so you really need to train well. Unfortunately for me,

Soccer workout

3 Easy Exercises for Grandparents

Grayson Fertig When I think about grandmothers and grandfathers, I think about my grandmother and grandfathers and my kids’ grandmothers and grandfathers.  For sure there are incredibly capable older men and women, but even those incredibly capable have still suffered to some degree or another a loss of physical ease across their lifetime. Fatstwitchgrandma is