Upper body strength

Upper Body Strength in Post-Menopausal Women

Menopause is a unique time in the human life, and with it comes a myriad of changes that can have wide reaching health implications. However, over the last 20 years we have seen a strong body of research demonstrating that many of these changes can be completely mitigate through exercise. Interestingly, when post-menopausal exercise recommendations

man and woman doing a pull-up

Perfecting Your CrossFit Pull-Up

Hunter Bennett Over the last few years, CrossFit has truly revolutionized the health and fitness landscape. It has changed the way many people look at exercise, while also introducing the many benefits associated with heavy barbell-based strength training to the masses. With this has come the development and alteration of a number of different exercises

Box Jumps

HIIT Is Beneficial For All Ages

Gillian White – MSc, PhD Candidate, Department of Exercise Sciences, University of Toronto The Real Forever Fit Science’s of Canada When I first heard about Forever Fit Science and the concept of what a Forever Fit Science was, the first things I thought of were Patti Campbell and her exercise classes. For the last couple