man and woman doing a pull-up

Perfecting Your CrossFit Pull-Up

Hunter Bennett Over the last few years, CrossFit has truly revolutionized the health and fitness landscape. It has changed the way many people look at exercise, while also introducing the many benefits associated with heavy barbell-based strength training to the masses. With this has come the development and alteration of a number of different exercises

plyometric training exercises

Plyometric Training Exercises & Agility

Hunter Bennett When it comes down to improving athletic performance, we often think about enhancing our training to maximize speed, power, and strength – which makes sense, as each of these plays a key role in improving our physical capacity. But one key quality that often gets forgotten is agility. What is agility? Agility is

The Best Exercises for a Strong Foundation

Foundation is set to carry or support any load that is placed above it.  The stronger the foundation, the better the performance within each sport respectfully or sport specific training. In sprinting, a great foundation leads to a more powerful and faster athlete. The stronger an athlete is, the more force they will be able