arm being taped

The Journey Through Injury Recovery

Grayson Fertig Injuries happen. Having a plan already in place is the key to getting back to where you were and maybe even beyond. Trust that your body wants to heal, know that your body is pre-wired to repair itself, and believe that the work you’re doing is part of your journey and not a

women lifting dumb bell

The Screening That May Predict Sport Injuries

Ryan Cross, Physiotherapist The risk of injury is present in all sports and activities.  The cause of injury can sometimes be difficult to pin point because in most cases it is multifactorial.  There are many reasons that can lead to the onset of sports injuries, making prevention of injury challenging.  If there are ways to

Music and Workouts

Is Quality Sleep a Predictor for Sports Injury?

Hadley Seward – certified sleep consultant and certified health coach Getting enough sleep should be a priority for everyone–for physically active people, it’s especially important. Lack of sleep can slow reaction time and make you less alert–but does it also mean you’re more prone to injury? There have been several studies examining the link between


Role Reversal: The Therapist Becomes The Patient

Ryan Cross – B.A. Hons (Kin), MScPT, FCAMPT Registered Physiotherapist at CBI Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada Anger. Fear. Pain. Anxiety. This is what I felt, in that order, when my injury happened.  While playing hockey, I took a blindsided hit (in a non-contact league) on my right shoulder and fell to