man lifting barbell

5 Best Gym Exercises to Improve Acceleration

Hunter Bennett As many of you would already know, a sprint event can be broken down into four distinct phases – the start phase, the acceleration phase, the maximal velocity phase, and a phase of deceleration. Although each of these key phases holds specific importance within the realm of sprinting success, coaches and athletes alike

men racing

Top 5 Drills to Improve Your Acceleration

Hunter Bennett If you took a close look at any track-based sprint event, you can begin to break it down into four key phases – the start phase, the acceleration phase, the maximal velocity phase, and a phase of deceleration. Now, while each of these phases holds specific importance within the realm of successful track

Tempo Workout From World 400m Masters Champion

Meet Antwon Dussett, a 41 year old master sprinter who just last week won gold in at the world indoor master’s track championship.  Dussett takes us through one of his tempo workouts to build up lactate threshold. Warm up Run 200 meters at 75% of race pace Rest 3 minutes Repeat 6 times Cool down