White noise machines article

Best White Noise Machines For Sleep

Getting enough sleep is critical for your mind and body. For that reason, many people rely on white noise machines to help them get to sleep and stay there all night. What are White Noise Machines? White noise machines mimic a variety of common white noise sounds found in life and nature. Some produce static-like

Sleep Better

7 Tips to Get You Sleeping Again

Hadley Seward – certified sleep consultant and certified health coach 7 Tips to Get You Sleeping Again Picture this: it’s 4am and you’re awake. No matter what you try, you cannot fall back asleep. Sound familiar? Insomnia — which includes difficulty falling asleep at bedtime and staying asleep throughout the night — is the most common

woman waking up in the morning

A Better Night’s Sleep: Falling Asleep

Gillian White – MSc, PhD (C), University of Toronto, Department of Exercise Sciences What makes us fall asleep? This is an important question because if we know what factors contribute to our drive to sleep the we can know how to get better sleep. Our inclination to sleep is not as simple as it seems

Mom putting son to sleep

A Better Night’s Sleep: The Statistics

Gillian White – MSc, PhD (C), University of Toronto, Department of Exercise Sciences Sleep is not just a rest for our brain and body but is absolutely essential to our health and function. Sleep deprivation has similar effects of alcohol on how our brain and body functions and, if prolonged enough, can actually result in

The Stages Of A Woman’s Sleep Life: Menstruation and Menopause

Adriane Cook B.S. Kinesiology, Michigan State University www.balancewithme.com Is it true that men tend to sleep better than woman? Researchers believe “Sex differences in sleep begin at a very early age and women report poorer sleep quality and have higher risk for insomnia than do men.” (Sleep and Women’s Health, National Center for Biotechnology Information,