White noise machines article

Best White Noise Machines For Sleep

Getting enough sleep is critical for your mind and body. For that reason, many people rely on white noise machines to help them get to sleep and stay there all night. What are White Noise Machines? White noise machines mimic a variety of common white noise sounds found in life and nature. Some produce static-like


Melatonin for Sleep: is it Safe?

Does getting to sleep or staying asleep turn every night into a frustrating challenge? Whether you have occasional or chronic insomnia, or experience travel-related jet lag or another sleep disorder, melatonin supplements could be the answer. What is Melatonin, Anyway? Have you ever wondered what makes you tired at night? You can thank melatonin for

best sleep aids

Best Sleep Aids

Getting a good night’s sleep isn’t just nice. It’s essential. As The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute notes, getting less than the recommended eight to nine hours per night eventually leads to sleep deficiency and deprivation. Adults with those conditions are at greater risk developing mental, physical, and systemic health issues including slower reaction