man running with a parachute

Resisted Sprinting For Speed & Acceleration Development

Hunter Bennett Over the last decade, we have seen the world of athlete development come along in leaps and bounds (both literally and figuratively). We have seen the widespread uptake of strength training, plyometrics, and movement specific exercise. They are prevalent in practically every sport on the planet. All have been used with great success

Woman doing a pull up

Resistance Training & Protein Supplements: What You Need to Know

Dayton Kelly This article was adapted from a combination of speeches given at the European Sports Science Conference 2018, most notably Timmons James (UNIVERSITY COLLEGE DUBLIN, IRELAND). Protein supplementation is an intensively studied, reliable manner to augment increases in muscle mass that occur with training and speed recovery. Its potential to improve muscle strength and

Weight Training Techniques: Benefits of Unilateral Training

Weight Training Techniques: The Benefits of Unilateral Training

Alyssa Bialowas Unilateral exercises are single-leg or single-arm movements. The primary benefit of including unilateral exercises in your training programs is that the exerciser is using both sides of the body equally. Unilateral training results in the following benefits – Helps to avoid overtraining or overusing the dominant side Helps to isolate and correct muscle

Glute Exercise

The Best Glute Exercises: How to fire your glutes!

Alyssa Bialowas About Your Glutes – The gluteus maximus is located in the buttocks and is connected to the coccyx/tailbone. This muscle is responsible for the movement of the hip and thigh, and also serves crucial body mechanics in sport and physical activity.   The glutes have three mains functions – Force production – Running,

people jumping

3 Benefits of Exercise and Mental Health

Alyssa Bialowas The Mental Benefits of Exercise While the physical benefits of exercise are well documented, there are numerous mental health benefits of exercise. If you’ve ever left a workout feeling on top of the world, you’ve experienced the mind-body link, but did you know physical exercise can also improve your mental health? Approximately one

Woman lifting weights

Does Weightlifting Make You Smarter as You Age?

Evan Stevens New research just published has determined that leg exercises, particularly weight-bearing exercises, send signals to the brain which are of critical importance to neural cell health. This groundbreaking research has shown that neural cell health is as directly linked to the signals back from the large working muscles as are the signals developed

Woman weightlifting

Injured? Increase Your Muscle Mass with Blood Flow Restriction Training

Dayton Kelly It is not unusual in many gyms to see athletes, particularly weight lifters, with bands or wraps tied around their limbs whilst exercising. While it may appear strange, these athletes are intending to limit blood supply to their working muscle to spur muscle growth in a practice called “blood flow restrictive training”. While

athlete lifting weights

Strength Training in Older Women Wards Off Aging

Evan Stevens At Forever Fit Science we have long discussed the importance of adding strength training to your exercise routine. Resistance training has consistently proven to be integral to all facets of health, from brain function and support in diseases like Parkinson’s to arthritis and bone and joint health. A new study released in late

woman weight training

Does Protein Impact Trained Athletes Differently?

Evan Stevens Previously at Forever Fit Science we looked at how science changes and why we often need to re-evaluate our previously held beliefs and knowledge base. Timing, once thought to be integral to muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and needing to be taken within the 3 hour post exercise window, is now almost irrelevant as

Bicep curl

Cross-Exercise: Which Training Program is Better?

A Review by Alyssa Bialowas Cross-education training is defined as a neurophysiological phenomenon where there is an increase in strength in an untrained limb following unilateral strength training in the opposite, contralateral limb. This can also be called cross-exercise, contralateral training or inter-limb transfer, however the most commonly used and the term most researched would

Weightlifting class

Does Low Blood Flow Restrict Resistance Training Load?

A Review by Alyssa Bialowas It has been suggested that muscle size and strength gain from low-load resistance training with a low blood flow restriction is comparable to the results induced by traditional moderate-to-high-load training. If this is true, it could be beneficial for populations such as the elderly and those with osteoporosis, who are

HIIT For Women

Creatine Supplementation and Adaptive Response to HIIT for Women

Moji Kaviani, Ph.D., CEP High-intensity-interval training (HIIT) has several well-established performance and health benefits. These include improving body composition, cholesterol, and cardiorespiratory fitness. In the hope of seeing further metabolic and physiological benefits., researchers are using various nutritional strategies, including supplements, in combination with HIIT to bolster its effects. Creatine Supplementation and HIIT for Women