Woman weight lifter

BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids): What You Need to Know

There are thousands of different supplements available for your consumption – all of which promise the world (many of which, unfortunately, fail to deliver on that promise). One supplement that has become a mainstay in the realm of health and fitness are Branched Chain Amino Acids (or BCAAs for short) – but are they all

Cold water immersion

Cold Water Immersion for Recovery: Friend or Foe?

For decades athletes and weekend warriors alike have been jumping into an ice bath or a cold shower after exercise to enhance recovery. But what if I told you they might be doing more harm than good? What is cold water immersion? Before we jump into the nitty gritty surrounding cold water immersion (also known

Young female athlete jogger resting by a lake

Are There Benefits to Working out on Cannabis?

Not so long ago, merely suggesting that there could be any benefit to exercising on cannabis would have been absurd – but with its recent legislation, and a growing body of research exploring its many potential health benefits, this is not as crazy as it first seemed. In fact, there is some recent research suggesting

Man stretch on a bridge

Exercise and the Afterburn Effect

Hunter Bennett When most of us think about exercise, we tend to think about the energy expenditure that particular exercise causes in a somewhat immediate sense.  As in: ‘How many calories will I burn if I perform X exercise for an hour?’ Now don’t get me wrong – there isn’t anything inherently wrong with this

alternative approach to sports injuries

An Alternative Approach to Sports Injuries

Dayton Kelly An Alternative Approach to Sports Injuries Virtual reality devices have flooded the gaming and entertainment markets. Advances in realism and affordability have stolen the hearts of consumers, increasing their commonality in homes. While it has certainly attracted the eye of the public, virtual reality has also struck the interest of exercise physiologists. Presently

Heavy ropes exercise

5 High-Intensity Interval Training Mistakes Athletes Make

Alyssa Bialowas High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is one of the hottest fitness trends right now, and because of this, many people have put their own spin on it to try and make it their own. When this happens, you don’t always reap the amazing benefits of HIIT and may end up doing more harm than

woman sprinting on a track

The Biomechanics of Sprinting

Alyssa Biawolas Understanding the biomechanics of sprint running form is essential to successful sprint performance. Biomechanical variables influencing sprinting include reaction time, technique, force production, neural factors, and muscle structure. The electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles also influences sprinting. Thomas (2017) found that maximal running speeds in sprint events are achieved by creating a

person stretching

3 Natural Remedies for Sore Muscles

Alyssa Bialowas There’s no better feeling than the rush you get after a great workout, but that night or the next day, your muscles may not be as pleased. Fitness related muscle soreness (also known as DOMS: delayed onset muscle soreness), is caused by micro-tears in the muscle tissue that occur during intensive exercise. DOMS

people enjoying protein supplements

The Ever Changing Science of Protein

Evan Stevens You would think that by now we would have a pretty firm grasp of protein. It is one of the three main macronutrients and is essential for life as we know it. Its use in sport has been long described in scientific literature and makes up a huge portion of the billion-dollar supplement


The Truth Behind Antioxidants & Exercise Induced Muscle Damage

Alyssa Bialowas Elite athletes are prone to injury and muscle damage, especially those who compete in high contact sports such as rugby. To speed up recovery in these athletes the goal is to get them back training and on the field as quickly as possible. Previous research has looked at the effects of high antioxidant

Muse meditation headband

Muse: A heart rate monitor for your head

A Review by Hank Shell I’m all about mindfulness, y’all. If you’ve read my columns, you know this. If you haven’t, then that’s your misfortune. Anyway, mindfulness can have all kinds of wonderful health benefits, as I’ve so graciously pointed out in the past. Not only can it improve our mood and ability to regulate

women doing a push up

Ultimate Recovery Tool: Recoup Fitness Cold Roller

Katie Rose Hejtmanek, PhD I am masters athlete currently training for a women-only powerlifting meet (where the majority of the lifters are masters athletes!) and in order to be at my best, I must focus as much on my recovery as I do my training. But even if one isn’t training for an event, a