women doing a push up

Ultimate Recovery Tool: Recoup Fitness Cold Roller

Katie Rose Hejtmanek, PhD I am masters athlete currently training for a women-only powerlifting meet (where the majority of the lifters are masters athletes!) and in order to be at my best, I must focus as much on my recovery as I do my training. But even if one isn’t training for an event, a


Holidays Are Not The Only Contributor | 3 Ways To Avoid Annual Weight Gain

Katie Rose Hejtmanek, PhD Anthropologist CrossFit Level 1 Trainer It is that time of year again, the time when the average American claims to gain 5 pounds thanks to the holiday festivities. Recently, research scientists have begun to investigate this claim: Do Americans really gain that much weight over the holidays and what happens to


Increase Strength, Increase Lifespan – Powerlifting Could Change Your Life

Katie Rose Hejtmanek, PhD, Anthropologist  Increase Strength, Increase Lifespan Part 2 – Powerlifting as Life Changing Sport In my previous article, I showed that some research investigates the relationship between muscle mass, power, strength, and the health of older adults. This research suggests that increasing muscle mass, power, and strength will improve the health of older

senior man performing kettle ball swings

Increase Strength, Increase Lifespan

Katie Rose Hejtmanek, PhD, Anthropologist  With a significant portion of the world’s population aging, it is important to know and understand how best to prevent bone and muscle loss, to decrease rates of chronic illnesses (such as hypertension and high cholesterol) and obesity, and to improve human health and longevity. Some research investigates the relationship between