Glute activation exercises

Glute Activation Warm-up and Exercise Performance

Anyone who has ever taken part in formal exercise would have performed a warmup (hopefully more than one…). Increasing blood flow and core body temperature, they are thought to enhance performance and reduce injury risk. However, if your warmup only consists of quick couple of minutes of cardio, and maybe a bit of stretching, then


How Do Sports Injury Rates Change As You Age?

As you get older, exercise becomes the most beneficial thing you can do for your body. It staves off disease and illness, all whilst helping you maintain (and often improve) joint, bone, and muscle health. Moreover, it even has the capacity to improve your quality of life across the lifespan. Now, one of the most

baseball player sliding onto a plate

Injury Prevention in Baseball

Hunter Bennett Baseball. America’s national pastime. One of the most popular sports in the country, and as you very well know, also one of the most exciting. Then when we consider that most high-level baseball athletes can throw a ball at more than 100 miles per hour (and most can also hit a ball moving

two men biking

Becoming an Unbreakable Athlete

Hunter Bennett The primary role of coaches and sports practitioners alike is to create robust athletes. Athletes capable of tolerating high training loads. Athletes that are capable of meeting the rigors of competition without a second thought. Athletes who are strong, explosive, quick, and most of all, resilient. Athletes who are unbreakable.  What is an

Woman holding her knee

The Risks and Causes of ACL Injury and How You Can Prevent Them

Hunter Bennett When it comes to improving athletic performance (and general health for that matter), there is nothing that derails your progress more than an injury. While many injuries can be trained around in some capacity, they often result in the cessation of improvement, an inability to both compete and perform certain exercises, and an

Weight Training Techniques: Benefits of Unilateral Training

Weight Training Techniques: The Benefits of Unilateral Training

Alyssa Bialowas Unilateral exercises are single-leg or single-arm movements. The primary benefit of including unilateral exercises in your training programs is that the exerciser is using both sides of the body equally. Unilateral training results in the following benefits – Helps to avoid overtraining or overusing the dominant side Helps to isolate and correct muscle

The Best Exercises for a Strong Foundation

Foundation is set to carry or support any load that is placed above it.  The stronger the foundation, the better the performance within each sport respectfully or sport specific training. In sprinting, a great foundation leads to a more powerful and faster athlete. The stronger an athlete is, the more force they will be able

The 4 Best Core Activation Exercises | Forever Fit Science

Our core strength is just as important as the central nervous in terms of their purpose. Our core allows the rest of body to function or move as stable and efficiently as possible. Look at it as a generator or light switch; you can’t see unless you turn it on. If your core is not

women lifting dumb bell

The Screening That May Predict Sport Injuries

Ryan Cross, Physiotherapist The risk of injury is present in all sports and activities.  The cause of injury can sometimes be difficult to pin point because in most cases it is multifactorial.  There are many reasons that can lead to the onset of sports injuries, making prevention of injury challenging.  If there are ways to

Female athlete running through the desert

7 Ways To Prevent Running Injuries

Ryan Cross, B.A. Hons (Kin), MScPT, FCAMPT Registered Physiotherapist in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada Running is one of the most common activities that people participate in to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.  Running injuries happen regularly and evidence suggests that 40-50% of runners experience an injury on a yearly basis (Fields, 2010).  These injuries can

runner running through city

How To Treat 7 Common Running Injuries

Ryan Cross, B.A. Hons (Kin), MScPT, FCAMPT Registered Physiotherapist in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada Running is an activity that can provide many benefits. It improves cardiovascular function, aids in weight control, and can alleviate stress.  Runners don’t like to stop their running routine, even if pain or injury develops.  Seeking professional help can go a long

woman running

Does Movement Therapy Prevent Running Injuries?

A Review by Alyssa Bialowas Runners have an increased risk of injury that results from overuse and overtraining. Preventing injuries that result from running has been a topic of research for those looking for ways to reduce the negative training side effects that result from overuse. Running leads to many health and well-being benefits, such