prolonging your athletic career impacts longevity

How Prolonging Your Athletic Career Impacts Longevity

Evan Stevens Athletes are put under a microscope from the moment they take their first steps into the limelight. Statistics track their every move, from strict performance metrics such as save percentages, shots on goal, goals, and assists, strength metrics, personal bests, and win percentages, to more personal metrics including diet, sleep, training volumes, and

Reaction Time

Reaction Time Test: Improving Your Time

Evan Stevens Aging sucks. While some argue that aging is a wonderful part of life, that it gives us experience and allows us to better know ourselves, at the end of the day, it really sucks. We wake up stiff, it takes us longer to do things and in general, we slow down. We cannot

Nutrition Tips For Endurance Athletes

Relative Energy Deficiency: Nutrition For Endurance Athletes

Evan Stevens Speak with any endurance athlete and the topic of conversation almost always steers towards nutrition. Endurance athletes are the pickiest, most finicky bunch you will ever meet, from the over health conscious “I need to avoid fat, dairy, and processed sugar” types to the ones who ride the hype-train through the various nutrition

woman weightlifter

The 7 Myths of Weightlifting

Evan Stevens There are common utterances when the conversation shifts to weightlifting and why people don’t do it. More so than any other form of exercise, lifting has a near infuriating amount of misinformation and myths surrounding it that steers people away. Yet it remains that lifting is one of the best ways to maintain

Female athlete

What is a High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Workout Anyway?

Evan Stevens High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a huge ‘hit’ with exercise researchers and the general population alike. It is less time consuming and can imbue the same if not more benefits as traditional exercises like your long run, your laps in the pool, or your bike ride with your friends on the weekends. Indeed,

women high jumping

Do Ketogenic Diets Reduce Anaerobic Performance?

Evan Stevens Ketogenic diets have come to the forefront of popular health fads in the past few years. Placing the majority of our health and dietary problems on carbohydrates (due to the spike in blood glucose followed promptly by the spike in insulin, which if done continually can lead to a host of health issues

Woman lifting weights

Does Weightlifting Make You Smarter as You Age?

Evan Stevens New research just published has determined that leg exercises, particularly weight-bearing exercises, send signals to the brain which are of critical importance to neural cell health. This groundbreaking research has shown that neural cell health is as directly linked to the signals back from the large working muscles as are the signals developed


Could a Carb Mouth Rinse Be the Next Best Performance Booster?

Evan Stevens The last thing an athlete wants is to feel like they have no energy. Staying fueled and being able to maximize your energy output means better performance. Fueling means quick energy to the system through – sugars in the forms of drinks, tablets, and gooey, gel substances are often the go-to for athletes.

athlete lifting weights

Strength Training in Older Women Wards Off Aging

Evan Stevens At Forever Fit Science we have long discussed the importance of adding strength training to your exercise routine. Resistance training has consistently proven to be integral to all facets of health, from brain function and support in diseases like Parkinson’s to arthritis and bone and joint health. A new study released in late

people fist bumping

Is There a Magic Bullet to Protein Consumption?

Evan Stevens In the last three parts we discovered that a lot of what we thought about protein supplementation isn’t quite as important as was once believed. Casein, soy, and whey are all adequate; whey is best immediately post exercise, but soy and casein can be just as good so long as there is the

woman weight training

Does Protein Impact Trained Athletes Differently?

Evan Stevens Previously at Forever Fit Science we looked at how science changes and why we often need to re-evaluate our previously held beliefs and knowledge base. Timing, once thought to be integral to muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and needing to be taken within the 3 hour post exercise window, is now almost irrelevant as

women next to wights and water bottle

Which type of Protein Provides the Best Workout Recovery?

Evan Stevens In our previous article, The Ever Changing Science of Protein, discussed how science is ever changing and how new evidence or looking at entire bodies of evidence can change our perceptions of what we thought to be true. We discussed the importance of (or lack thereof) timing of ingestion and why as long