Ice hole polar plunge

The Science of Temperature Therapy

Temperature therapy (also known as “thermal therapy” or “thermotherapy”) involves the use of heat or cold to improve health and function. Interestingly, thermotherapy has been around for centuries, with ancient cultures regularly using hot springs, saunas, cold plunges, and ice baths to improve vitality, strength, and wellbeing. More recently, temperature therapy has gained popularity as

women doing a push up

Ultimate Recovery Tool: Recoup Fitness Cold Roller

Katie Rose Hejtmanek, PhD I am masters athlete currently training for a women-only powerlifting meet (where the majority of the lifters are masters athletes!) and in order to be at my best, I must focus as much on my recovery as I do my training. But even if one isn’t training for an event, a

runner wearing compression socks

Reduce Exercise Fatigue With Compression & Cold Therapy

A Review by Alyssa Bialowas The typical muscle pain that occurs after exercise results from small tears in the fibers of the connective tissues in your body. There are common practices to help re-circulate blood flow and deliver nutrients to the damaged tissue to ease pain and recovery time. Two common ways to reduce negative

man swimming in ice hole

The Truth About Cold Therapy And Recovery

Dayton Kelly Time to cancel your next ice bath? The truth about cold therapy. This article was adapted from a combination of speeches given at the European Sports Science Conference 2017, most notably Poppendieck, W. et al. . Cold has been long thought to be a cure all for musculoskeletal pain and recovery. Many athletes