Woman athlete drinking coffee overlooking water

Caffeine May Help or Hinder Athletic Performance

Most people have heard that caffeine enhances athletic performance, in fact, current guidelines recommend ingesting 3-9mg/kg 60 minutes prior to exercise. However, if you have ever tried it for yourself you might have found that the effects are negligible for you whereas your friend is able to exercise harder for a longer period of time.

sore muscles pin point

6 Cures for Sore Muscles After HIIT

Alyssa Bialowas What are Sore Muscles? Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is essentially your body’s response to muscle pain after a workout. This response sends a signal to your body to leave those muscle alone and results from microscopic tears in your muscle tissue. DOMS can affect anyone regardless of fitness level and tends to

Coffee: Fitness Friend or Foe?

Adriane Cook B.S. Kinesiology, Michigan State University www.balancewithme.com Nothing quite unites a country like its love for coffee.  People will stand in unusually quiet lines to purchase it, cram into hobbit-size buildings to enjoy it, and will high-five a stranger once (and not a moment before!) the sweet caffeine nectar touches their lips. So it’s