
Cardiovascular effects of prolonged exercise

It is well established that cardiovascular exercise is one of the best ways to improve heart health – but is it possible to do too much? Well, in today’s article that is exactly what we aim to find out.   Does prolonged exercise cause heart disease? It may go against conventional wisdom, but there are

Woman cutting a pear in her kitchen

Canadian Food Guide- A Dietary Guideline

Hunter Bennett The Canadian government made some rather large changes to their dietary guidelines. Like, some really large changes. These changes have created quite the stir across the health industry. Some professionals applauding them, others are going as far as to suggest that they will accelerate the nation’s growing obesity epidemic. So with all this controversy,

grocery shopping

3 Tips To Minimize Everyday Chemicals

Adriane Cook B.S. Kinesiology, Michigan State University www.balancewithme.com Chemicals, toxins, and pollution, oh my! Do you ever feel as though every product you buy and food you eat is laced with hidden toxins and chemicals? Do you find yourself overwhelmed, wanting the healthiest life for you and your family, but not sure where to start?