Motiv Ring: The Next Best Innovative Fitness Tracker

Hank Shell
There’s a piece of your workout kit that’s missing. Can you guess what it is? I’ll give you a hint – it’s not a steezy headband … or a shake weight. C’mon, dude. It’s a heart rate monitor – the Motiv Ring.
Why you ask? Because heart rate monitors are important. Yea. I wear one. Yea. You should, too. Some people exercise regularly to maintain their level of fitness. I have no idea who these people are or why they’re wasting their time. I exercise in a more or less structured way to improve my fitness. Some people call that training. I’ll allow it. So what am I training for? I’m training for LIFE.
Anyway, it’s important to keep track of how hard we’re working and for how long during our workouts. Well, if you’re trying to improve, that is. You see, in order to make progress in our training, we need some kind of meaningful metric for measuring intensity. In their influential work Training for the New Alpinism, Steve House and Scott Johnston argue that heart rate is the best way to measure how hard we’re working during exercise. Furthermore, measuring the amount of time we spend in certain zones of intensity is how we build a meaningful and effective training program. I’m not going to get into all of that now, but if you’re interested, buy the book.
Anyway, heart rate monitors are great. But you know what I’m tired of? I’m tired of heart rate monitors! Well, as I’ve known them, which up to now have been as clunky wristwatches or something like the band on a poorly fitting sports bra.
Wearable tech is constantly evolving, I’ve been expecting something like the Motiv Ring fitness tracker for some time now. But this? Damn. This is just downright sexy. So Motiv is a ring. Yes, a very sleek looking, titanium-shelled ring. Of course, it’s also a heart rate monitor. And sleep tracker. I mean, is there anything this thing doesn’t do? Lock your keys in your car? Well, you’re still screwed. But looking for an unobtrusive way to measure your heart rate, keep tabs on your sleep cycles and clock distance for all kinds of activities? Then Motiv is for you.
So how does it work? Basically, the guys at Motiv created a flexible circuit board and battery, as well as an incredibly tiny heart rate sensor, stuck it in a ring, and voila, the Motiv ring was born. It’s actually a heck of a lot more complicated than that, but you get the picture. Motiv can take a three-day charge in about 90 minutes and syncs with your device. Oh yea, and Motiv is waterproof. Can you think of a better gift idea this spring? Check out to get a sizing kit.
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