Exercise And PMS

Catherine O’Brien Exercise and PMS: A case for exercising during menstruation To exercise or to rest? That is the question many women face once a month when they get their period. The fatigue, achiness and cramping can be enough to make you hit the snooze button or ditch your post work cardio session. Premenstrual syndrome

Salt Rooms

Loosening Up Your Cough With Salt Rooms

Dayton Kelly Salt Rooms Alternative health therapies have been rapidly growing in popularity in the western world. With the emergence of these novel, non-traditional remedies, it becomes difficult to know which of these are evidence-based approaches to medicine and which are not. New to the medicinal market is Halotherapy, a salt based therapy more commonly

8 Ways to Prevent Weight Gain During the Holidays

Alley Rubadeau 8 Ways to Prevent Weight Gain During the Holidays You made it through Halloween and Thanksgiving teetering on the edge of weight gain.  The hard part is over right?  Not necessarily.  The month of December through the New Year can be challenging to maintain your weight, fight off cravings, and stay on your

Thoughts from Grayson: The Long Haul

Thoughts from Grayson: The Long Haul

Grayson Fertig   Training Strategy for the Long Haul The first 4 weeks Create for yourself a strategy-driven approach to physical readiness.  Think in terms of 4 week periods.  Develop your intensity across 3 weeks and use the 4th week for active recovery.  Train 3 times per week with the focus building off of Day


Thoughts From Grayson: Endocannabinoids

Grayson Fertig Thoughts From Grayson: Endocannabinoids Dear Fasttwitchgrandmas, Let’s say the article Dr. Julia Basso wrote caught your eye-Endocannabinoids: The Secret to Why Exercise Makes Us Feel So Good. And this idea or feeling of an exercise high made you say I want that. Well then what’s next? Maybe for some you’re already there whereas

Off Season Ski Conditioning

Hank Shell Off-season ski conditioning: a primer I can’t remember exactly what caused the crash. Clarity only lends itself to the events immediately afterward  – the immense weight of my body splayed out on the snow, the glare of the late December sun beating through the lenses of my goggles, and the worried thought, Oh

Beat Back the Fall Doldrums with Bouldering

Beat Back the Fall Doldrums with Bouldering

Hank Shell Beat Back the Fall Doldrums with Bouldering Fall in the Rocky Mountains can signal a bit of a lull for many outdoor enthusiasts. Aside from the radiance of turning Aspens, infrequent but fleeting snows and chilly temperatures leave us in a bit of limbo – not enough snow to ski, and not enough

Swim Warmup Drills with the Holman Twins

Fast Twitch Grandma Master Athletes and professional swimmers Mary and Sara Holman take you through 3 variations of sculling drills to demonstrate a great swim warmup before your workout. The twins hold 800m freestyle and 3000m open water medals from the 2015 FINA World Masters Championships and a 2014 Air Force Athlete of the Year

The Top 3 Tips To Improve Your Balance

Grayson Fertig Balance Training: 3 Tips I believe that one reason why I’ve had success as a personal trainer is that I incorporate balance training into the programs that I design for people. I do this for psychological reasons: People find balance challenges very invigorating and very rewarding. And I do this for physiological reasons:

7 Key Reasons We Exercise

Grayson Fertig I’m very interested in trying to understand what motivates us to exercise. If you exercise regularly, I’m sure you have many reasons why you do. If you don’t, I’m sure you can come up with many reasons as to why you should. Whomever you are, all of those individual reasons are important. Cultivating Motivation

Muscles and Mind, Mind-Body

What is Conscious Breathing?

Grayson Fertig Question/Answer  I’m very much a beginner with yoga and the concept of “conscious breathing” keeps coming up?  I’ve always been involved in athletics, played college basketball and continue to be active and I’ve never before been asked to consciously breathe.  I’m willing to learn and I want to learn but I’m not sure

Yogi Breaths to Strengthen Your Lungs

Author: Fiona Callender Even with healthy aging comes an inevitable steady decline in dynamic respiratory function. There is a reduction in alveolar area (the part of your lung that exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide with your blood) starting at the age of 30, with a loss of about 4% per year after that (Bezerra et