Build resiliency

How to Build Resiliency During A Pandemic

We are living through one of the most serious situations in modern history. This whole COVID-19 thing has turned the world as we know it upside down. And we could not have been any more unprepared. On both an individual and societal level, we are in a state of complete and utter disarray – so

Women performing prehab before surgery

Improve Surgery Outcomes and Recovery With Prehab

Going into surgery is a scary prospect. I mean, the thought if someone cutting into to muscle and bone then sewing some stuff together sends shivers up my spine. And most would consider surgery like that to be on the minor end of the spectrum. But did you know that a lot of the negative

Male athlete performing abdominal crunches

Are Abdominal Crunches Effective?

For the longest time, crunches were a staple in practically every exercise program on the planet. Suggested to strengthen the ‘core’ and lead to a rock hard set of abs, they were trained with near religious vigour daily. Until they weren’t. Not so long ago, some interesting research came out suggesting that crunches may damage

creatine supplements

Everything You Need to Know About Creatine

If someone came up and told you about an ‘amazing’ new supplement that can do everything from increase your strength to make you smarter, what would you do? Call them a liar and walk away, right? And to be completely honest, I would probably think the same. Unless, of course, they were talking about creatine.


Metabolic Flexibility: The Key to Unlocking your Health

Over the last few decades, our health has declined at a rapid rate. Despite living in a time where we have access to more health information than ever before, we are struggling to initiate long-term health change. As a result, the incidence of obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, sarcopenia, and pretty much any other disease you

Someone jump roping

How to Incorporate HIIT in Every Workout

Over the last few years, high-intensity exercise modalities have become super popular. Think about the rise of CrossFit or even the creation of Orange Theory. Both of these workouts are incredibly popular, and both incredibly high intensity. However, with this increase in popularity has come the misconception that high-intensity interval training (or HIIT for short)

Marathon running

The Best Way to Taper for Sports Performance

There is no doubt in my mind that most of you love training.  I completely understand because I am exactly the same. There is something seriously enjoyable about pushing your body to its limits on a regular basis. About working hard, and of course, about creating change. But did you know that working hard all

Woman athlete drinking coffee overlooking water

Caffeine May Help or Hinder Athletic Performance

Most people have heard that caffeine enhances athletic performance, in fact, current guidelines recommend ingesting 3-9mg/kg 60 minutes prior to exercise. However, if you have ever tried it for yourself you might have found that the effects are negligible for you whereas your friend is able to exercise harder for a longer period of time.


How Do Sports Injury Rates Change As You Age?

As you get older, exercise becomes the most beneficial thing you can do for your body. It staves off disease and illness, all whilst helping you maintain (and often improve) joint, bone, and muscle health. Moreover, it even has the capacity to improve your quality of life across the lifespan. Now, one of the most

Group workout at a gym

Does CrossFit Have A High Risk Of Injury?

Hunter Bennett Over the last decade, CrossFit has taken the world by storm. Offering a way to build strength and power, increase endurance and aerobic capacity – all while creating a unique sense of culture that cannot be found anywhere else – is there any surprise it is one of the most popular types of

Man training with ropes

Does CrossFit Induce Stress Urinary Incontinence?

Hunter Bennett CrossFit has fast become one of the most popular forms of exercise on the entire planet. And I mean, with the ability to improve every aspect of fitness at the same time, there is a damn good reason as to why. However, did you know that it may not be completely suitable for

Woman eating chocolate bar.

Does Dark Chocolate Aid In Muscle Recovery?

Hunter Bennett What do exercise enthusiasts, elite athletes, and weekend warriors all have in common? They all exercise hard. This means that to get the best results from their training, they need to make certain that they recover appropriately. This often means making sure their diet is on point, getting massages if needed, and diving