two women

Generation 100: The 3 Year Follow Up

Hunter Bennett For those of you who have been with us here at Forever Fit Science for a while, you might be aware of one of the first articles we ever wrote about ‘The Generation 100 Study’. This study was built around the need to determine the effects of a 5-year exercise program on mortality


Should I Let My Child Play Football?

John Barry Football is America’s favorite sport right now. The NFL is by far the most popular, even though it has received a lot of bad press lately. No, I’m not talking about taking a knee during the national anthem. I know my wheelhouse, and the complexities of social/political ideologies are not my strong point.


The Tibialis Muscles & Lower Limb Injury Risk: What You Need to Know

Hunter Bennett Hamstring and Achilles injuries are some of the most common to plague track and field athletes alike. Both play an integral role in the force production processes of the posterior chain, allow the transfer of force from the hip right down into the foot. With this in mind, their effective function is integral


Marijuana & Essential Tremor: A Natural Treatment 

Hunter Bennett Most people become suspicious when they hear the words ‘alternative medicine’ – however this shouldn’t always be the case. There is recent evidence to suggest that some of these unique medicinal methodologies have a lot more merit than first thought, particularly when applied correctly to specific diseases of the human body. In this

arm being taped

The Journey Through Injury Recovery

Grayson Fertig Injuries happen. Having a plan already in place is the key to getting back to where you were and maybe even beyond. Trust that your body wants to heal, know that your body is pre-wired to repair itself, and believe that the work you’re doing is part of your journey and not a

Golf balls on the grass

The Mindset of Injury Recovery

Grayson Fertig It’s wild to see Tiger Woods back at the top of golf. Not because a comeback never happens, but because I have a sense of the resilience this man has. And I realize that he must also be spiritually brilliant. Back in the day when he was Tiger he was an athletic alien.

stretching in field

Are Plant-Based Protein Drinks Effective for Exercise Recovery?

Dayton Kelly This article was adapted from a combination of speeches given at the European Sports Science Conference 2018, most notably Meghan Brown (UNIVERSITY OF GLOUCESTERSHIRE, UNITED KINGDOM). Protein supplementation has been repeatedly demonstrated to speed and enhance muscle tissue recovery. This has important implications in preserving muscle mass in elderly individuals as well as

Glass of milk

Is Milk the Perfect Recovery Drink?

Dayton Kelly Optimizing recovery allows you to achieve the most adaptation per workout and reduces the required rest necessary before a subsequent workout. As such, millions of research dollars have been invested into discovering and developing commercial products to do just this. The result has been efficacious, but pricey supplements that are not always financially

standing on mountain

Breathing Exercises for Health & Performance

Hunter Bennett When we think of exercise, our minds tend to jump to those that activities that are more physically demanding in nature. Heavy strength training, high-intensity interval training, and Olympic lifting are all great example of physically strenuous exercise modalities that have been shown time and time again to enhance both health and athletic

girl on her phone

Cell Phone Activity Trackers

Dayton Kelley As advances in technology continue to rapidly drive the world of exercise forward, we are faced with new and improved ways to monitor and promote our fitness. This capacity to monitor our training is essential because it allows us to design our programs such that we are continuing to tackle workouts of progressing

glass of water

Effects of Dehydration on Athletic Performance

Dayton Kelly This article was adapted from a combination of speeches given at the European Sports Science Conference 2018, most notably Mark Funnell (Loughborough University, UK). Decades of research have been dedicated to determining the amount of dehydration necessary to disrupt athletic performance. Consideration of hydration levels is important to a variety of athletes who

Women in a bath

Ice Baths- Help or Hinder?

Dayton Kelly This article was adapted from a combination of speeches given at the European Sports Science Conference 2018, most notably Cas Fuchs (Maastricht University, Netherlands).        Immersion in cold water has been long thought to promote exercise recovery by reducing soreness and improving functionality following training. To exert this effect, exposure to cold water was