European College of Sports Science Congress 2016 Summary
Evan Stevens
This past July Vienna played host to over 3,000 researchers, professionals, students, and various other attendees who work in fields related to sport science. Now in its 21st year, the annual European College of Sports Science (ECSS) congress brings together the best and brightest in the field to share their latest research findings with their peers and network with people around the globe, from Australia to California, from Japan to Iceland. The congress invited speakers to present their research on all manner of topics under the umbrella of ‘sport science,’ from nutrition and health supplements in aiding elite performance to the changes to locomotion with age to High Intensity Training (HIT); from active pregnancy to the sociology of gender equality and specificity in sport and anything in between so long as it was related to ‘sport science’ (sport modelling and statistics in relation to team sports were some of the most well-attended sessions from what I heard). I tried to attend as many sessions as possible over the four day conference; there were multiple sessions during each time slot so I had to pick and choose the sessions that I thought might be interesting and applicable to what we do here at Forever Fit Science. While I tried to attend as many sessions as I could (I sat through about 50 talks over the four days) there were many more that I just couldn’t attend, if you are interested in what some of the other talks were about or if you would like to get the paper titles for the presentations, the full 2016 program can be found here.