The shoulder has the greatest range of motion of all the joints in the body. This mobility allows us to perform daily tasks and athletic motions. Improving range of motion around the shoulder can help maximize your workout and prevent injury.
Improving range of motion around the shoulder can help maximize your workout and prevent injury. Reaching your hand behind your back is important for everyday movement and full shoulder function. Use a band or a towel to pull your arm up your back. Hold for 20 seconds, 3 times.
Improving range of motion around the shoulder can help maximize your workout and prevent injury. Overhead movement is important for many activities and exercises. This stretch improves overhead motion by mobilizing the inferior part of the shoulder joint capsule. Lift your arm overhead and push down through the elbow. Hold for 20 seconds, 3 times.
Improving range of motion around the shoulder can help maximize your workout and prevent injury. Anterior shoulder tightness is a common complaint that can be alleviated with improving shoulder mobility. Use a stick to move your arm back behind you by pushing the other hand forward. Keep your shoulders back and down during this stretch. Hold 20 seconds, 3 times.
Improving range of motion around the shoulder can help maximize your workout and prevent injury. Opening up your chest can help keep your shoulders limber. Lie on a foam roller and let your arms hang out to the side. Hold for 20-60 seconds, 3 times.
Improving range of motion around the shoulder can help maximize your workout and prevent injury. Mobilizations with movement can help restore pain-free range of motion. Wrap a band around your hand and lean back and let the band pull your arm overhead. This applies a distraction to the joint as it moves into overhead flexion. Hold 10 seconds, 10 times.