Muscles are surrounded by fascia to give them support and to connect different tissues. Manual therapy and soft tissue mobilizations can provide improved mobility because they address all layers of muscle and fascia. To perform self soft tissue mobilizations of the fascia use your hands or a lacrosse ball and apply pressure on the muscle as you move from a contracted position to a lengthened position.
Tilt your head to the left and place a lacrosse ball on your upper trapezius muscle. Apply pressure downward on the ball and move your head to the left. Move the ball to a different area along the length of the muscle and repeat the movements. Alternatively, roll the ball along the muscle as you complete the movements.
Place the ball on the pec muscle with your arm elevated and across your body. Apply pressure to the ball and move your arm out and back. Move the ball to a different area along the length of the muscle and repeat the movements. Alternatively, roll the ball along the muscle as you complete the movements.
Place the ball on your quadriceps muscle near your hip. Apply pressure to the muscle as you perform the stretch by bending your knee all the way back. Move the ball to a different area along the length of the muscle and repeat the movements. Alternatively, roll the ball along the muscle as you complete the movements.
Place the ball under your calf muscles with your foot pointing down. Push your leg into the ball as you pull your foot back toward you. You can use your other foot to apply more pressure onto the ball. Move the ball to a different area along the length of the muscle and repeat the movements. Alternatively, roll the ball along the muscle as you complete the movements.
Place the ball on your gluteal muscles with your leg extended. Move your leg forward and rotate your knee out as your roll the ball along the back of the hip. Move the ball to a different area along the length of the muscle and repeat the movements. Alternatively, roll the ball along the muscle as you complete the movements.