Muscle and tendon injuries tend to occur when the muscle is overloaded, especially in a lengthened position. Check out these tips to protect yourself from injury!
Muscle and tendon injuries tend to occur when the muscle is overloaded, especially in a lengthened position. Eccentric exercises load the muscle while it is getting longer. This type of training has been shown to help prevent injuries.
Hold a small weight resting on a bench or your leg. Lift the weight up using your opposite hand and then slowly lower the weight slowly (5 seconds) to the starting position. Begin with 15 reps and increase as able.
Muscle and tendon injuries tend to occur when the muscle is overloaded, especially in a lengthened position. Eccentric exercises load the muscle while it is getting longer. This type of training has been shown to help prevent injuries.
In a side lying position holding a small weight, squeeze your shoulder blades together, then lift the weight up. Keep your elbow at your side. Slowly lower to the starting position in 5 seconds. Begin with 5 reps and increase as able.
Muscle and tendon injuries tend to occur when the muscle is overloaded, especially in a lengthened position. Eccentric exercises load the muscle while it is getting longer. This type of training has been shown to help prevent injuries.
In a side lying position with a partner holding your ankle, lift your body up and then slowly lower back down to the ground. Begin with 5 reps and increase as able.
Muscle and tendon injuries tend to occur when the muscle is overloaded, especially in a lengthened position. Eccentric exercises load the muscle while it is getting longer. This type of training has been shown to help prevent injuries.
In a standing position with a band around your ankles, step out to the side. Stand on inside leg and slowly let the outside leg move in across the body. Begin with 15 reps and increase as able.
Muscle and tendon injuries tend to occur when the muscle is overloaded, especially in a lengthened position. Eccentric exercises load the muscle while it is getting longer. This type of training has been shown to help prevent injuries.
In a kneeling position, lean back as far as comfortable and then pull yourself back up before you move past tolerance. With training you will be able to lean farther back. Begin with 5 reps and increase as able.
Muscle and tendon injuries tend to occur when the muscle is overloaded, especially in a lengthened position. Eccentric exercises load the muscle while it is getting longer. This type of training has been shown to help prevent injuries.
In a kneeling position with a partner holding your ankles, lean forward as far as comfortable and then fall to the floor before you move past tolerance. With training you will be able to lean farther forward before falling to the floor. Begin with 5 reps and increase as able.