The word keto spelled with food

The Effects of Exercising On a High Fat Diet

Hunter Bennett When it comes to diet, there is an incredible amount of information out there – but unfortunately, most of it is somewhat conflicting. There are certain individuals who swear by a high carbohydrate diet, while others will state that adhering to a paleo way of eating is not only the best for health,

Nutrition Tips For Endurance Athletes

Relative Energy Deficiency: Nutrition For Endurance Athletes

Evan Stevens Speak with any endurance athlete and the topic of conversation almost always steers towards nutrition. Endurance athletes are the pickiest, most finicky bunch you will ever meet, from the over health conscious “I need to avoid fat, dairy, and processed sugar” types to the ones who ride the hype-train through the various nutrition

gender based nutrition

Re-Thinking Gender Based Nutrition

Dayton Kelley Gender Based Nutrition This article was adapted from a combination of speeches given at the European Sports Science Conference 2017, most notably Emma Stevenson PhD (Newcastle University, UK). The world of sports is rapidly growing and evolving with more people involved in organized exercise and sport than ever before. International competition in men’s