The Predictors of Longevity You Need to Care About

Living a long and healthy life is a universal aspiration, and with the publication of Peter Aittia’s new book “Outlive”, it has never been a bigger focus. With this has come the realisation that, while genetics do play a significant role in determining your life expectancy, there are other factors within your control that can

Upper body strength

Upper Body Strength in Post-Menopausal Women

Menopause is a unique time in the human life, and with it comes a myriad of changes that can have wide reaching health implications. However, over the last 20 years we have seen a strong body of research demonstrating that many of these changes can be completely mitigate through exercise. Interestingly, when post-menopausal exercise recommendations

Exercise partners congratulating each other during workout

Exercise After Menopause: What You Need To Know

Menopause is one of the most significant events in a woman’s life, and with it comes several changes that can affect function. Moreover, the post-menopausal period comes with many health considerations that can have a profound impact on one’s life. However, it isn’t all doom and gloom. See, many of the negative factors that occur

Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama Has It Backwards: You Should Train Harder After Menopause

A recent interview with Michelle Obama that was published on has been doing the rounds on social media over the last few days – which is pretty concerning. Not because we have anything against Michelle, but because we fear the comments made may be taken the wrong way by the broader health and fitness

Box squats

What Is the Most Effective Squat Position?

Squats are often described as the king of all exercises – and for good reason too. They not only train all the muscles of the lower body, but they also work the muscles of the upper back and core as well. This makes them one of the most effective exercises on the planet. But many

Athletes full range of motion squatting with barbells

Does Using A Full Range of Motion Increase Muscle Growth?

I am sure you have seen one of those videos pop up on your newsfeed before. You know the ones I am talking about – where some guy in a squat rack loads up a bar with over 600 pounds, un-racks it very unsteadily, and then proceeds to perform 3-5 of the shallowest squats you

Athlete lifting barbell

Everything You Need to Know About Lifting to Failure

I love that gym culture has become increasingly popular over the last decade. People are willing to train hard for the sake of self-improvement. People are willing to push themselves in the gym. But with this has come one small negative. The misconception that if you do not leave the gym in a pool of

creatine supplements

Everything You Need to Know About Creatine

If someone came up and told you about an ‘amazing’ new supplement that can do everything from increase your strength to make you smarter, what would you do? Call them a liar and walk away, right? And to be completely honest, I would probably think the same. Unless, of course, they were talking about creatine.

Man training with ropes

Does CrossFit Induce Stress Urinary Incontinence?

Hunter Bennett CrossFit has fast become one of the most popular forms of exercise on the entire planet. And I mean, with the ability to improve every aspect of fitness at the same time, there is a damn good reason as to why. However, did you know that it may not be completely suitable for

Woman eating chocolate bar.

Does Dark Chocolate Aid In Muscle Recovery?

Hunter Bennett What do exercise enthusiasts, elite athletes, and weekend warriors all have in common? They all exercise hard. This means that to get the best results from their training, they need to make certain that they recover appropriately. This often means making sure their diet is on point, getting massages if needed, and diving

woman running

Outrunning Negative Body Image: Body Identity In Female Athletes

Hunter Bennett In the modern day, we are so caught up in appearances. Society places so much emphasis on how we look, rather than how we feel and perform. Really, is it no wonder that body image issues are increasing at an exponential rate? Which is one of the many reasons as to why athletes

Man and woman flexing

Muscular Potential: Men vs Women

It has long been thought that when it comes to building muscle, women are at a massive disadvantage. Whether it be because of hormone levels, muscle fiber distribution, or some other factor that we aren’t yet aware of, it doesn’t matter – people seem to think that women cannot build anywhere near as much muscle