The word keto spelled with food

The Effects of Exercising On a High Fat Diet

Hunter Bennett When it comes to diet, there is an incredible amount of information out there – but unfortunately, most of it is somewhat conflicting. There are certain individuals who swear by a high carbohydrate diet, while others will state that adhering to a paleo way of eating is not only the best for health,

weights at the gym

The Benefits of Sports Variation

Hunter Bennett There is a common line of thought suggesting that to become great at something, you need to focus on that single thing and dedicate as much time to it as humanly possible. For the most part, this does hold some truth to it. To become the best in the world at a given

Men rowing

Cognitive Sports Training: How Can It Improve Performance?

Hunter Bennett Competing and performing in sport requires a huge amount of time, effort, and physical capacity. To perform at a high level, you need the ability to express strength, speed, and power, and maintain a high degree of technical proficiency. It is honestly a whole lot more complex than simply just playing a sport.

Gain Strength, Power & Force for Maximal Performance | Forever Fit Science

Stability is simply controlled strength, power, and force. The more stability you have, the more efficient you can move. Here are few exercises for stability, balance, and strength focusing on hip flexion and toe dorsiflexion for maximal performance. 1. Single Leg Turnover (Hip flexion/ Toe Dorsiflexion) 2. Stability Hamstring Curl 3. Pistol Squat 4. Unilateral