
Exercise Enjoyment May Affect Post-Workout Eating Habits

Catherine O’Brien While a healthy lifestyle is dependent upon various factors, it is widely accepted that nutrition and exercise are two primary factors. Nutrition and exercise interact with one another and increased physical exertion calls for greater caloric consumption. Anyone who has worked out in the morning and found themselves ravenous for lunch at 10:30am

American College Sports Medicine Conference

American College Sports Medicine Conference – Ebook Edition

Julia Basso – PhD American College Sports Medicine Conference – Ebook Edition Over 6000 sports medicine professionals came together in Denver, CO this Spring to discuss topics ranging from Mental Health to Female Elite Athletes.  This Ebook summarizes each day’s keynote presentations and showcases the conference’s amazing lineup of celebrity speakers.  Dive deep into topics such

female athletes

Impact Of Competitive Sports On Female Athletes

Julia Basso – PhD Fitness athletes- the healthy body image idea: how are they doing? (Therese Methisen, The Norwegian School of Sport Sciences) Body image is important for the female fitness athletes.  Around 3 to 4 months prior to competition, many fitness athletes begin to diet.  This produces a variety of changes in body composition

woman running

3 Strategies Behind Motivation & Sustained Fitness

Julia Basso – PhD Presidential Lecture:  No Sweat: The Surprising Science Behind Lasting Motivation and Sustained Physical Activity (Michelle Segar, University of Michigan) Check out Dr. Segar’s book, “No Sweat: How the Simple Science of Motivation Can Bring You a Lifetime of Fitness” Segar’s guiding question is, “Why don’t most people prioritize and sustain physically

American College Sports Medicine Conference

Day 4 of the American College of Sports Medicine Conference – 2017

Join the #IMove-MENT Julia Basso – PhD ACSM/SBM Co-Sponsored Symposium:  Exercise as an Integrative Approach to the Management of Chronic Pain and Addiction   Psychobiology of pain and exercise in chronic musculoskeletal pain (Dane Cook, University of Wisconsin) In patients with chronic pain issues, exercise may exacerbate fatigue, pain, and cognitive impairment often seen in

American College Sports Medicine Conference

Day 2 of the American College of Sports Medicine Conference – 2017

Impacts of Exercise, the Gut Microbiome/Metabolome and Immunity on the Brain Julia Basso – PhD Exercise or prebiotic diet increases stress resistance, modulate stress reactive neurocircuitry, and promote adaptive gut microorganisms (Monika Fleshner, University of Colorado Boulder) The gut is composed of bacteria called the gut microbiome.  Recently, a link has been shown between the

American College Sports Medicine Conference

Day 3 of the American College of Sports Medicine Conference – 2017

Neurobiological Effects of Physical Activity Julia Basso – PhD Exercise and neurodegeneration; potential therapeutic role for FNDC5/irisin (Christiane Wrann, Massachusetts General Hospital, and Harvard Medical School) We know that exercise improves cognitive functioning, but why?  Recent research has discovered that exercise increases a protein in the muscle known as FNDC5 (fibronectin type III domain-containing protein

American College Sports Medicine Conference

Day 5 of the American College of Sports Medicine Conference – 2017

Female Elite Athletes: The Impact of Participation in Competitive Sports Julia Basso – PhD Fitness athletes- the healthy body image idea: how are they doing? (Therese Methisen, The Norwegian School of Sport Sciences) Body image is important for the female fitness athletes.  Around 3 to 4 months prior to competition, many fitness athletes begin to

American College Sports Medicine Conference

Day 1 of the American College Sports Medicine Conference – 2017

Exercise is Medicine for Mental Illness: Developing Feasible and Effective Interventions for Real-world Clinical Settings Julia Basso – PhD Stepping up the treatment of mental illness:  feasibility and acceptability of a 12-week exercise program for help-seeking youth with mood and anxiety disorders (Oscar Lederman, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District) Individuals both at risk for


Exercise is Contagious – And Your Ego Drives It

Evan Stevens At Forever Fit Science we’ve previously discussed the benefits of working out in groups. The most recent article, published by Catherine O’Brien, simply titled “Improve Pace by Running With Others,” looked at how running with a group actually improved running performance in a time-trial situation. Now, this is great news for anyone looking

Block training

Block Training: Change Your Schedule & Get More Out Of HIIT Workouts

Dayton Kelly So you’ve hopped on the High Intensity Training (HIIT) bandwagon and are ready to ride it to big gains and athletic success. But are you doing it properly? While few employing the strategy of HIIT realize this fact, research has been consistently reporting that the way we traditionally incorporate HIIT into our training

Alleviate Headaches

4 Exercises to Alleviate Headaches

Ryan Cross, B.A. Hons (Kin), MScPT, FCAMPT Registered Physiotherapist in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada Headaches are a fact of life. Whether it’s the kids who won’t be quiet, or the relentless pounding after a night out, we have all encountered the annoying headache. The causes of some headaches are obvious; however, sometimes it might be difficult