woman drinking sugary drink

A Taste Of Sugary Drinks May Improve Athletic Performance

Dayton Kelly SUMMARY: High carbohydrate drinks improve short term performance (<1 hour) when swished in the mouth without swallowing (Burke & Maughan, 2015). Swallowing may increase performance benefits, but at the risk of discomfort during performance (i.e. nausea, bloating). Current research suggests high carbohydrate drinks improve performance through altering the perception of fatigue rather than

woman eating and drinking

6 Ways To Avoid Hunger That Leads To Overeating

Alyssa Bialowas Dieting and body image in sport can lead to the development of either exceptionally healthy or unhealthy eating patterns in athletes. After an intense workout I can overeat to no bounds with little to no consequences, and when I know I’ve burned enough calories to treat myself, I always do. However, it’s important

man eating an apple

Should I Eat Before Or After My HIIT Workout?

Alyssa Bialowas Okay so you did it – you’re awake and you’re mentally ready to go to the gym, to the park, or even just downstairs to your living room where you’ve set up your high-intensity interval training (HIIT) circuit. Now your stomach is grumbling and you’re thinking of all those myths about eating before

woman cycling

Effect Of Gluten-Free Diet On Endurance Performance

Moji Kaviani, Ph.D., CEP Non-celiac Athletes Approximately 70% of endurance athletes experience gastrointestinal distress during their event and it is estimated that a gluten-free diet may reduce these negative symptoms (Lis et al., 2015). Lis, Stellingwerf, Shing, Ahuja, & Fell (2015) examined the beliefs, experiences and popularity of a gluten-free diet in 910 athletes that ranged


Gelatin – The Anti-Injury Answer? (Sorry Vegetarians)

Evan Stevens Getting injured sucks. Anyone who would tell you otherwise has either never been injured (highly unlikely) or never had the passion in the first place. The forced time away from something you love is singularly depressing. Injuries were the name of the game this past track and field World Championships in London, taking

beet root juice

Pump Up Your Performance With Beet Root Juice!

Dayton Kelly This article was adapted from a combination of speeches given at the European Sports Science Conference 2017, most notably Annie Vanhatalo PhD (University of Exeter, UK). Beet root juice is currently in the heat of the research limelight due to its potent concentration of a compound called nitrate. Nitrate is a compound found


Obesity & Dopamine Dysfunction

Julia C. Basso, PhD Obesity is a major problem worldwide.  In the United States, more than 66% of adults are overweight, with 1 out of every 3 being considered obese (National Institutes of Health).  Obesity is determined based on a person’s Body Mass Index or BMI.  BMI is calculated by dividing your weight in kilograms

Health Challenges and Cleanses – A Help or Hinder?

Gillian White – MSc, PhD (Candidate), University of Toronto  Health Challenges and Cleanses – Helping or hindering for your resolutions. A personal account. I will start by saying that I am not the type of person to do cleanses, or really any particular diet for that matter. Generally speaking, I do the eat well as

woman on the barbell

Post Exercise Meal Impact On Triglyceride & Cholesterol Levels

M. Kaviani Obesity is a leading global health problem and is associated with multiple chronic diseases including heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, liver disease, and certain types of cancer (Miyazaki et al, 2002, Ross et al, 2002).  There is a significant correlation between obesity and plasma triglycerides, with heavier individuals having higher triglyceride levels.

Food vs Protein Supplements

Evan Stevens The final talk in this session was a breath of fresh air for a lot of us. It dealt with the comparison of regular foods versus the use of protein supplements. What researchers wanted to know was if regular food was as good, if not better, than supplementing with protein powders and drinks

Exercise and Digestive Health

Julia Basso – PhD Dr. Shawn Khodadadian of Manhattan Gastroenterology writes that, “Exercise and digestion are mutually exclusive.”  When you exercise, blood travels to your muscles and lungs (where it is needed) and away from the stomach and intestines.  Therefore, digestion is slowed down during exercise.  This is why eating a large meal, high in


Precision Nutrition and You: Nutrigenomic Approaches To Disease And Health

Evan Stevens We have previously discussed the growing field of nutrigenomics here at Forever Fit Science in the article How Should I Eat. The idea of personalized nutrition was introduced – eating based who you are; how nutrition interacts with your genetic make-up. The study of these interactions falls under an umbrella term called “nutrigenomics” (or