HIIT- Does Non-Weight Bearing Rowing Do The trick?

Sarah West – PhD, Assistant Professor, Trent University Recently, I contributed a series to the FTG research blog about the importance of maintaining bone health with aging.  Bone loss can lead to Osteoporosis (i.e., thinning of the bones, and an increased risk of having a fracture), which is a very common disease that is associated

Box Jumps

HIIT Is Beneficial For All Ages

Gillian White – MSc, PhD Candidate, Department of Exercise Sciences, University of Toronto The Real Forever Fit Science’s of Canada When I first heard about Forever Fit Science and the concept of what a Forever Fit Science was, the first things I thought of were Patti Campbell and her exercise classes. For the last couple

5 Hip Exercises For Prevention And Performance

Ryan Cross – B.A. Hons (Kin), MScPT, FCAMPT Registered Physiotherapist at CBI Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada The hip joint has implications in a number of injuries and can contribute to decreased performance.  Improving mobility and strength in the hip area can have a positive effect on treatment of an injury and

The Power Plate – A Way To Power Your Workout

Julia Basso – PhD I am really excited to say that I joined a new gym – the Summit, NJ YMCA.  It is fully equipped with all of the best workout equipment and many machines that I have never seen before.  I was introduced to one called the power plate.  It is a rather sizable

When You Should Go See a Physical Therapist

Ryan Cross – B.A. Hons (Kin), MScPT, FCAMPT Physical activity and a healthy lifestyle are becoming a major focus in today’s society.  With countless apps and devices to help guide you through various work out plans, it’s easier now more than ever to get fit and get healthy.  The health benefits of being active are

5 Fun Exercises at the Park

Alley Rubadeau – CPT As parents we have all been there.  We are on full time kid duty and need to squeeze in a workout.  Taking the kiddos to the park you can pretty much guarantee they will have a good time but why not get a fun workout in with them?  Here are five

Staying in Shape for the Long Haul

    Paul Stevens “ALMOST DONE” Halloween was just a couple of days ago and wasn’t it fun to see the little ones show up at the door, wide-eyed and dressed up in all manner of costumes, holding their treat bags open anticipating what we were about to add to their collection of goodies?  We

Crack Climbing

“Creekin’” – An Intro to Crack Climbing

Hank Shell “Creekin’” – An Intro to Crack Climbing The Canyonlands of Southeastern Utah have long captivated the imaginations of those fortunate enough to visit. The Martian-like geography, a vast system of tiered canyons and sheer sandstone walls roiling upward into towering mesas, can seem like a barren wasteland to those gazing down from the

Muscle Function

Improve Muscle Function: Osteocalcin

Julia Basso – PhD As we age, cognitive decline is a problem that many of us face.  Though pharmacological interventions do not currently exist to help fix this issue, exercise has been shown to improve the way our brains function and therefore how we think and feel.  However, an inherent problem to the “just exercise”

Exercise Now, Stay Fit Later

Evan Stevens The next few studies were about the effects of creatine supplementation and resistance training in aging adults. We know that aging decreases bone density as well as muscle strength while increasing fat deposition. Working out can prevent this, and the fitter you are when you are younger, the easier it is to be


Athleticism – It’s Nature Over Nurture

Evan Stevens    This was a hugely interesting session presented by the large Japanese contingent at the ECSS. The whole session was about how our genes contribute to our athletic performance, and how that can further be used to understand health. What came out of the talks was that if you want to be a

Combat Heart Problems and Diabetes with HIIT

Evan Stevens Exercise can be used to treat (if not cure) type 2 diabetes mellitus. We know from past studies that endurance exercise can increase insulin sensitivity  up to three times it normally is in a diabetic person, as well, strength training seems to improve insulin sensitivity (to a lesser extent mind you). However, if