woman weight training

Does Protein Impact Trained Athletes Differently?

Evan Stevens Previously at Forever Fit Science we looked at how science changes and why we often need to re-evaluate our previously held beliefs and knowledge base. Timing, once thought to be integral to muscle protein synthesis (MPS) and needing to be taken within the 3 hour post exercise window, is now almost irrelevant as

muscle soreness

Protein Quality Dictates Recovery, Not Timing

Evan Stevens “Oh, I’m sore today.” “I feel like it’s getting harder to work out every day like I used to.” “I don’t feel like I am recovering after a workout.” These are the three most common complaints I hear from my parents after they’ve had a hard workout these days. They feel as though

Woman picking out vegetables in grocery store

Nutrition Takeaways: Gatorade Sport Science Institute

Evan Stevens The main theme of this session was protein supplementation before bed to improve muscle protein balance and synthesis. We have known for a long time that protein taken a short time after exercise improves muscle protein synthesis. This is the process of repairing and building muscle after it has been stressed during exercise.